Caribou Gear Tarp

Heading to the breaks 410-420


New member
Jul 5, 2016
So it's finally here. I was extremely lucky enough to get drawn for the breaks either sex elk and a mule or whitetail deer tag. I couldn't believe I was drawn since it was my first time putting in for Montana. I called the fish and game office just to make sure. Pretty funny because when I asked the agent to check just to make sure he told me no you didn't til he saw the info in front of him. So fast forward to today. I've hit the cardio hard and have been doing all I could to prepare for this hunt. Contacted Randy to pick his brain. As well as enrolling in the elk101 course. I've hunted Idaho over the counter 3 times with no success. My fingers are crossed that this will be a fruitful trip and not just another armed hike. My guns have had so many "hikes" they're about to quit on me. My hunting partner who is going on this trip as well has family in the area and they've been out scouting for me while they try to fill their cow tags. I've got one more shift to work tomorrow getting off Sunday morning then home to pack the truck and as soon as my buddy gets done with his national guard training we're on the road headed towards destiny. Hopefully I'll have pictures and a good story to post come next week. If any of you are in the area maybe we'll bump into each other. Wish us luck. Til next time. Best of luck, Frank.
Good luck! Great tag had it few yrs back. I'd recommend you spend 90% of your time behind your spotting scope and 10% walking.
I think you will do well if you hunt hard. I know two girls that have killed big bulls in there this rifle season.
I'm in Winnett right now with same tag, we'll not any more. Shot a 330-340 bull this morning. I saw bigger but they are camped out on private. Had a high 360 in the dark walk from private to private in front of the truck.

Great area, there are elk are balled up on private in some areas. But Plenty of elk elsewhere! And with hat deer tag you are going to have some serious fun! Bucks are starting to chase does, hold out I've seen a lot of subpar bucks and a few studs.

Have fun!
That is awesome news. Congrats on your good fortune. Hoping to get my first elk. I hunted with my uncle in idaho without luck and haven't been back out after elk since he passed away unexpectedly. This hunt is more for his memory than for me. How's the weather out there. I heard it's been very wet and muddy. I've been watching the weather hoping for a little snow.
It's hot! Elk rent acting normal. Seems like the are out for a few minutes early and hole up for the day in timbered coulee. Lots of elk and serious hold out on deer there will be some good ones coming out of no where soon

Good luck!
All I can say is wow. Had an awesome trip in the breaks. I filled both tags just not with a big bull. Weather was extremely warm while we were out there. Saw some nice bulls down on the rivers edge but couldn't get to them due to the marsh and cottonwoods up on the upper end. That was the first evening that we hunted. I had no idea what the country had to offer me. I'm used to hiking the mountains of Northern California not draws with no bottom with thick juniper bushes. We pushed up a group of elk with a small 5 point that never presented a shot as he was running away and balled up with cows. Weathers got me frustrated because we couldn't get out and just glass and pattern any bills because oh yeah the largest full moon in 70 years is growing and has every damn animal moving at night and laid down by morning. Oh well do what you can. We continue our trek and start filling deer and cow tags. I get an off hand shot on a nice 4x4 mule at 200 yds as he's bounding away as we searched for one of our members wounded cow. As I shot my Muley the wounded cow jumped up and quickly died. Time to haul. The next morning my partner and I head out to fill his deer tag and of course look for a bull for me. No deer tag filled and very warm. As we hike the top of a drainage in cover I would never imagine an animal to be in our busts a huge bull. Well after a missed opportunity he gets away. At this point I'm starting to think it's just not meant to happen for me. On the last day of hunting my partner gets his deer and on the last push of the day I was able to harvest a nice cow. I know that this may have been my only chance to hunt bulls in the river breaks but I came back to California extremely content. I was able to kill my biggest buck yet and harvest my first elk as well. Now off to Texas in December. Best of luck to you all that still have hints coming. Happy thanksgiving and merry Christmas to you all.