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HB 161 Swamp the hills with NR licenses!

The reason they are hurting for money is simple. They jacked the non resident fees to the point we cannot afford to go there any more (and I used to live there and would love to hunt there again). I just cannot afford to. I know there are many reasons, but this is a big one.

Bottom line guys right here is your problem with the game department in Montana at the present time. The state has decided to exploit the N/R hunters and charge tag prices that are unreasonable esp. in today's economy. The idea of issuing more tags to N/R is crazy and beyond stupid when the state can't sell what is available now because of the jacked up price of tags.
I don't know how they cannnot see this it is pretty obvious to everyone. The Elk combo went for 60% odds and Deer combo went from 25% draw odds to having thousands of tags left since the price change. And on top of that they are doing this on a declining game herd and the hunting is not even near what it use to be 10 years ago. I am not sure what they are thinking some very bad decisions have been made in Montana the last few years that has seriously affected the game department there I think and it appears it is now moving to affect the game animals because of money hunger issues the department may be experiencing. Oh well I guess if you mess with the Bull you get the Horn right?
Your right mdunc8 it was not them it was laws passed that they had to deal with sorry about that. Guess I am laying the blame on the wrong people but bottom line there were some crazy legistation passed and it is becoming a trend in the western states it appears, and the victims will be game departments,wildlife and hunters in the end I guess. Just kinda sad to see this going on all over the mighty dollar.
Why is it that just about every bill put forth the last couple legislative sessions involves further exploiting our dwindling wildlife populations for more profit?

Simple, look who's in control of both our House and Senate. Enough said!
Ceby7 - exactly, if people keep voting in extremists only interested in the almighty $$$$, we can expect our wildlife populations to continue to decline and access to wildlife to decrease.
Just because they have and (R) in front of their name we vote them in?:confused: I don't agree with a lot of what the Dems bring forward but just to vote party line all the time with the likes of this guy is suicide. Until we vote for the best proposed solutions regardless of party we are no less guilty in the end.

This guy is a piece of work. We can't even come close to reaching the wolf quota and this guy is out their spouting we need more wolves killed raise the quota. Just to make you feel better Washburn? How about grabbing the gun and doing your part to reach the current quota? Never going to happen.
The Dept. can not even sell all the license we have right now...and personally I do not think that this bill is going to get very far.
FWP had little or nothing to do with most of the changes that have occurred the last few years.

Couple of serious questions, and I promise not to drop an f bomb, and I'm not wanting to argue. Just want to better understand how this works in MT as it doesn't make sense to me as this tag # increase defies basic supply/demand economics.

What exactly is FWP in charge of if they have "little or nothing" to do with things like setting big game objective #'s, big game tag pricing, or the number of big game tags issued?

Is it primarily MT politicians and MT voters that make those decisions instead of FWP biologists for example?
Is it primarily MT politicians and MT voters that make those decisions instead of FWP biologists for example?

'Hate to answer, but YES! FWP staff generally provides good information, analysis, and recommendations. Unfortunately, they are too often forced to analyze and incorporate opinions of sportsmen, outfitters, anglers, and other groups with separate interests. The legislature, the politically appointed director, the politically oriented Commission, and other citizen initiative groups "make" the decisions ... too often contrary to the best wildlife management practices and too often not in the best interests of hunters and anglers, in my opinion

The more we can support the FWP professionals, the better the results, but they are continuously slogging through this quagmire of special interests and political posturing,
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To be honest, I'm not exactly sure how everything works. It's still very confusing to me to. There are far more knowledgeable people on here than I who could probably make more sense of how things work.

I believe the commission sets the big game objectives, but I may be wrong. Either way, those seem to be rarely based on biology or ecology.

I'm pretty sure the legislature controls tags prices. Therefore, nonresidents should be directing their anger at folks like myself who voted for 161 rather than FWP. I voted for it based on the principle that every nonresident should have the same opportunity to hunt Montana. Yes, the tags are probably a little on the expensive side, but if someone can't afford an extra few hundred dollars to come out here and hunt, they probably shouldn't be spending the money to come out here at all.

After the last two legislative sessions, I have no idea who is in control of the number of tags issued. Yes, biologists have control over the number of tags in certain situations, but then you also have representatives introducing bills like this that somehow supersede rational thinking and recommendations from biologists. Then you've got the bear bill, which would allow bear hunting with hounds. However, FWP doesn't have to implement that season if they don't want to even if the bill passes or at least that's what I was led to believe when I was watching the testimony online the other day.

As far as I can tell, it's a convoluted mess that rarely makes much sense.
Wow sounds like a clobbered up mess to me to many hands in the fire. But I gotta say some of 161 makes good sense other parts of the bill never should have made it and should have been taken off. The tag prices are out of the roof. As you well know in VA. and most other states a N/R license runs around 200-300 dollars and that is more sensible for 1 deer tag. In VA. where I am from you can pick up the tag for around that price and it includes I think don't quote me 4 deer,3 turkeys,1 bear on your tags. I still think in is the best deal ever expect to see them separate them someday and do what other states are trying to do rape us hunters. We don't see this with Fishing license why?
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