Caribou Gear

HB 161 Swamp the hills with NR licenses!


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2005
Bitterroot Valley

HB 161 Ted Washburn, would add 10,000 NR B-10 tags good for Wilderness areas only. (Do we have more game, or less in those areas today?):mad:

It would add, 3,000 more regular B-10 to the pool of 17,000.:confused:

It would add 4900 B-11 deer combo tags.:confused:

Can the resource handle all those extra tags? :confused:

We don't even sell out what we have, and old Teds trying to make us basically an over the counter NR tag state.

If you think things are crowded where you hunt now, just wait if this bill passed. (If we bring the game back). Just think how tough would that be with all those additional tags sold?

We now give more tags for the Montana Native Relative of a resident tag. I think over 1,000 were sold this year.:confused:

We give special deals to NR college kids so they can hunt. I think over 300 were sold.:confused:

We need your help on this!

If you can show up to testify, that would be great. If not please send along to everyone you know, and ask them to forward.

Call 444-4800 leave a message for the House Fish, Wildlife and Parks committee.

Or use the on-line message form:
Why is it that just about every bill put forth the last couple legislative sessions involves further exploiting our dwindling wildlife populations for more profit?
But but but I thought the wolves have decimated game and elk are almost extinct?

The same guy brought the more radical wolf legislation forward. He testified then that our elk and deer herds were decimated and needed his wolf bill to save what was left.

Seems he wanted to save what's left for the outfitters and guides.
as I've said before. . .how in the ____ do you guys keep up with all of the BS they cram in? What a waste of time and money. . .again. . . .
I would really appreciate the few outfitters on this site to chime in on this one - especially the ones that are trying to suggest ways to increase our mule deer and get their take on this :)

I know that the G&F dept are dealing with financial problems but if this is the way to solve it I could qualify to be a brain surgeon.
The reason they are hurting for money is simple. They jacked the non resident fees to the point we cannot afford to go there any more (and I used to live there and would love to hunt there again). I just cannot afford to. I know there are many reasons, but this is a big one.
I think all you Montana boyz should quit whining! This is a great idea!
I'm going to propose a new company to help sell all the tags. Maybe I'll even get William Schatner to help get the word out. We'll take bids from Non-Residents and let them "name their price" for whichever tag they want. The later in the season we go, the cheaper the tag. I guarantee we'll sell out these excess tags. Maybe I'll even get Ol' Washburn to write a bill that NR's can buy more than one tag just so we can blow em out and sell em all!

Sorry. All stupidity aside, this is um........ really stupid.
When will it stop? I've often wondered about the logistics of getting a Citizens Initiative on the ballot that bans legislatures from making ANY decisions concerning Game and Fish issues.............

Wish you the best...............
I think all you Montana boyz should quit whining! This is a great idea!
I'm going to propose a new company to help sell all the tags. Maybe I'll even get William Schatner to help get the word out. We'll take bids from Non-Residents and let them "name their price" for whichever tag they want. The later in the season we go, the cheaper the tag. I guarantee we'll sell out these excess tags. Maybe I'll even get Ol' Washburn to write a bill that NR's can buy more than one tag just so we can blow em out and sell em all!

Maybe Guy Eastman can give a free Montana tag with every book he sells!:hump:
Cowboy.......Uh....yeah......little confused on this one myself:eek: I'm a
Ittle confused myself on the fact that if we can't sell our current ones we sure don't need more. Maybe I'm missing something here, not sure. But in all reality, it's no different than the way our country operates these days....If we don't have enough money, we print more...if the FWP needs more dough, print more tags....I guess. Not saying that I agree at this point. Sorry, that's all I got.
Cowboy.......Uh....yeah......little confused on this one myself:eek: I'm a
Ittle confused myself on the fact that if we can't sell our current ones we sure don't need more. Maybe I'm missing something here, not sure. But in all reality, it's no different than the way our country operates these days....If we don't have enough money, we print more...if the FWP needs more dough, print more tags....I guess. Not saying that I agree at this point. Sorry, that's all I got.

To be clear, FWP did not request this bill.
If FWP needs more money why not sell the unused NR tags to residents at the NR price like idaho does? first come first served. It would have been almost a million dollars this year alone. I would buy a second deer tag in a heartbeat.
Ben, yeah I knew that, I was just using that as an example. My bad. Thanks for the heads up though.

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