Yeti GOBOX Collection


Rio & I have been busy...and I couldn't login. I'm old and a 'puter dummie.
Anyway Randy sent me a e-mail check in. Got me hooked up again.
And thanks for the e-mail check in,for real.

Built a post & beam barn this summer over the singlewide. By myself. Rio supervised and ate bones.
Have 2 tanks of water for wildlife and lots of critters visiting during the drought SW NM has been in. I'm 5" under for rain this year, hottest in 11 yrs I've been here.
Helped a bunch of HTers with info for hunts,etc . 3 took info seriously ,stayed in touch and filled 4 tags.

Little Jack came with dad, mom, and several days his brother and a friend with the LO ES tag I gave him. They had glassed and seen some nice bulls in the valley before the hunts. He did pass on a cow @ 40 1st morning,for a chance on a big bull @ 60 yrds,and never got closer. They could hear the bulls until they walked in just before light and then nothing. Gone into the trees by daylight. A scenario to be repeated all season long everywhere here.

Next came the 2 guys I traded MB tags to roll the trusses,and set the metal roof over my home. They had opportunities 3 of 5 days and had to punch a tag to lost bull on the last morning here. The bull went down several times before jumping the fence with no blood trail,and 2 days of looking later. Bummer.

Then my WI farmer buddy came out for the cow hunt week before Christmas. 1st morning I spot a cow 75 yrds from house @ 1st light,range 267.
In an open gap between junipers,head down feeding. Jeff sets his pack on some rabbit brush and goes prone. 265 yrds I say. Bang goes the 338 Lapua.....,nothing. Still feeding.Bang again. Cow jumps. I jump to find where the cow is heading.....nothing. No running herd or anything. I know the cow is down. Walk out into to open and there she is down. Maybe 400 yards from my front door,15 minutes til sunrise. Clipped the top of the heart this time.
Us 2 old farts have it wrapped & in freezer by 4pm. Asleep by sunset We had a great visit and laughed more then either had in a while I suppose.

The work has been a worthwhile endevour.
The water my well produces and the solar project,piping 1000' to 2nd tank,working with NMG&F has helped a lot of critters and I received some tags again.
I have a real roof over my head for the 1st time in a while and porches going on next year.
Lots of firewood piled and warm. Elk & beef in freezer.
Got my Gustaff Baumann prints framed finally and now have more art to look at when I'm reading.

My family free of covid,so far. 4 that I know of are working the frontlines in hospitals.
I know 4 that have passed personally across country.

Life is good on the "Rockin' Double J"

Thanks for asking.
For real.
Thanks all.
It is very remote here.
It has been a crazy,covid,campaign,coping year too.
We're all trying to get by it seems. Concerned for loved ones and such. Concerned for our fellow citizens.

BD,I have 2 laptops and still forget to put passwords and such in my little book....I am the crash,lol.

Again,thanks BF.
For being a stand up guy. I barely know you beyond HT,yet you sent me an e-mail out of concern.
Don't know many known inter-web folks who would do that.

Met up with a nice couple, HTer's, Sat. at the place they just bought west of me. I gave them some well info my neighbor has access to. The well is legit & tested good. Incredable 360 view . Very nice folks. Legit hunters. They both filled bull tags this year nearby too.

With folks like we find ourselves with here on HT,we will make it thru this year and beyond. We have to believe in something good.

I spent that last day with my WI buddy over looking the Criswell & I told him about the work BF and many others in RMEF had done to opened it up to more folks. We spent a few hours near the spires and redrock caves of the Sawtooths. I knew better than to drive in there too far in the thaw/snow/ice and Criswell mud. Seems like lamas & hiking would work,where did I see that
Found some pottery shards,a bull shed & an arrow head. Left them too.
Who else does that? Leave things for our future? Save some of our past?
Seems like I saw or heard that too some place on the interweb....
Good hearing from you hank, when in doubt use 'wikileak' or 'password'. ;) ...figured you was ok but happy Fin tracked you down.
Good to hear from you, Hank. I drove through NM last month and wondered what you were up to. It sounds like you are doing just dandy.
Good to hear all is well. I always enjoy reading your ranch reports and glad Randy was able to get you fixed up. Pretty special community of folks on the ol' HT.
Jeez,I used to compile pics for grants & write them &
Better get my stuff together to send pics for my NMG&F app's

Anyway, Rio approves of new pool,elk freeway between the 2 tanks,one there of main framing done minus plates,help arrives & roof goes on(95deg,Oct),IPPS beetle kills 9 trees in a week & leaves some alone,Jeff's cow down, I cheated on the gutless with truck for shade & winch leg holder. You can see my green roof in trees behind in one.
Rio & I have been busy...and I couldn't login. I'm old and a 'puter dummie.
Anyway Randy sent me a e-mail check in. Got me hooked up again.
And thanks for the e-mail check in,for real.

Built a post & beam barn this summer over the singlewide. By myself. Rio supervised and ate bones.
Have 2 tanks of water for wildlife and lots of critters visiting during the drought SW NM has been in. I'm 5" under for rain this year, hottest in 11 yrs I've been here.
Helped a bunch of HTers with info for hunts,etc . 3 took info seriously ,stayed in touch and filled 4 tags.

Little Jack came with dad, mom, and several days his brother and a friend with the LO ES tag I gave him. They had glassed and seen some nice bulls in the valley before the hunts. He did pass on a cow @ 40 1st morning,for a chance on a big bull @ 60 yrds,and never got closer. They could hear the bulls until they walked in just before light and then nothing. Gone into the trees by daylight. A scenario to be repeated all season long everywhere here.

Next came the 2 guys I traded MB tags to roll the trusses,and set the metal roof over my home. They had opportunities 3 of 5 days and had to punch a tag to lost bull on the last morning here. The bull went down several times before jumping the fence with no blood trail,and 2 days of looking later. Bummer.

Then my WI farmer buddy came out for the cow hunt week before Christmas. 1st morning I spot a cow 75 yrds from house @ 1st light,range 267.
In an open gap between junipers,head down feeding. Jeff sets his pack on some rabbit brush and goes prone. 265 yrds I say. Bang goes the 338 Lapua.....,nothing. Still feeding.Bang again. Cow jumps. I jump to find where the cow is heading.....nothing. No running herd or anything. I know the cow is down. Walk out into to open and there she is down. Maybe 400 yards from my front door,15 minutes til sunrise. Clipped the top of the heart this time.
Us 2 old farts have it wrapped & in freezer by 4pm. Asleep by sunset We had a great visit and laughed more then either had in a while I suppose.

The work has been a worthwhile endevour.
The water my well produces and the solar project,piping 1000' to 2nd tank,working with NMG&F has helped a lot of critters and I received some tags again.
I have a real roof over my head for the 1st time in a while and porches going on next year.
Lots of firewood piled and warm. Elk & beef in freezer.
Got my Gustaff Baumann prints framed finally and now have more art to look at when I'm reading.

My family free of covid,so far. 4 that I know of are working the frontlines in hospitals.
I know 4 that have passed personally across country.

Life is good on the "Rockin' Double J"

Thanks for asking.
For real.

Hank, can u PM me? For some reason I can't message you