Gun raid in CA

So, back to the topic, I saw there was going to be something on the news on this last night then missed it. Did anyone hear what the actual charges were?
Sometimes good parenting means reducing or eliminating access to things like guns, car keys, alcohol, etc.
or instruction and education. If any of my kids couldn't be trusted I might lock up my guns. However, since they have all been educated and instructed and actually parented instead of being their friend my handgun sits loaded in my closet in case they need it to defend themselves.
He was arrested for violating california’s “assault weapon” laws. Really hasn’t been many details released regarding him being a dealer/manufacturer or just a collector. Either way california is nuts
I must have had terrible parents. When I was 15 or 16, I could grab any gun in our house, and take it down to the property and shoot it. All summer working on the ranch I had a 22 in my car at all times for shooting gophers. I would also go hunting at 16 by myself, including over night backpacking trips. Gasp, with a gun.

The purpose of the safe was to keep the guns from being stolen if someone broke in
3. Also there was another school shooting in CO, my cousins live in that neighborhood. I think like a lot of people I'm a little unsure what an actual solution is... as a sportsman/gun owner I certainly feel a bit pissed about the fact that our current gun laws are rarely enforced... see straw buying comment above and I wish as part of their defense of the 2A orgs like the NRA would actually lobby for better enforcement (not the BS lip-service you occasionally hear). I think if you make the personal freedom/libertarian/responsibility argument towards guns then you also need to own the consequences of ownership... meaning if a minor in your house uses your firearm to commit a crime you get hammered. I think the parents of a school shooter absolutely deserve to get hit with accessory to murder, not sure if that's the correct charge... vikingsguy or one of our other legal experts can jump in and correct me.

Like I said... just some thoughts as always open to listening to counter arguments or positions

Gun laws would not have prevented the shooting, but good parenting would have. I know people who have kids at that school, and by many accounts the older kid showed sociopathic tendencies. The parents should have recognized his behavior issues and made sure the firearms were not available at all, either in a safe he didn't have access to or out of the house entirely, they should have stepped up and acted like his parents and not just his caretakers. It's very clear that AGAIN, warning signs were ignored and/or missed by the people closest to the perpetrators, sadly it is the common theme in most of these school shootings.
I believe in the 2A but this is excessive to me. I don’t remember reading the word “hoard” in the verbiage.

This kind of case paints a bad picture on all responsible gun owners to those looking to take away our rights. There are very few cases where one could justify owning that many for legal purposes. If they were legally owning over 1000 firearms it is some sort of values collection and there is quite a bit of money and security involved. From the photos that does not appear to be the case here.
I could see several 12" or longer barrels on handguns. I though were movie props. Who uses a handgun that long for a pre-planned crime? Play stupid games and win stupid prizes.
Of course they laid them out in the open so the news chopper could get a real good look at them...I'm so glad I'm no longer in CA. I miss the weather, that's about it.
Sometimes good parenting means reducing or eliminating access to things like guns, car keys, alcohol, etc.
Or exposing them to GUNS, Car Keys and Alcohol. Really
So what I'm learning from this thread is we will stop school shootings with better parenting. Cool. Let's make some laws where we require better parenting. Problem solved. Man. I think you all have it. The solution to all our problems. Better parenting. Those of you that have DUIs....your parents sucked I guess. Had they been better parents, you would've been more responsible.
One aversion I have is the philosophy that every time theres a tragedy or a crisis people immediately start going - Omigosh, we gotta make a law, we gotta make a law! School and workplace shootings are bigger than that and exemplify a level of despair on the part of the shooter that laws will do little to curb. What's the broadstroke solution? I don't know. I just know its multi-faceted and much more than a parenting or gun control or mental health issue. It seems oddly cultural, and changing that is like turning the Titanic. It simply may not be fixable in our lifetimes.

As far as this story from the OP goes, I admit I didn't pay a lot of attention, but the FBI wouldn't be involved for a simple matter or California statute. There's more to this story, or at least the Feds believe there is.
Since this keeps going many different directions and people seem to want an answer to all the troubles of the world, I will just go out on a limb and call it what it is in my eyes. Sin! - that's the broadstroke problem, the broadstroke solution is raising our entire families in a Godly manner. Look back 30 years ago when there wasn't all these shootings. More people held Sunday as sacred and worshipped together. You can blame a lot of things, social media, kids sporting events, many other distractions, even our hunting addictions, we all turn these things into our gods, putting them first in our lives. In my eyes it all leads back to families don't worship together like they used to. People tend to make up their own rules as to what it right for THEM if they don't have God's laws as a basis. When we all make up our own rules as we go, nobody can tell us what is right and wrong because if it's right for me then it must be OK. There you have it, punching out and headed to church with my bride. Peace be with you all.
Since this keeps going many different directions and people seem to want an answer to all the troubles of the world, I will just go out on a limb and call it what it is in my eyes. Sin! - that's the broadstroke problem, the broadstroke solution is raising our entire families in a Godly manner. Look back 30 years ago when there wasn't all these shootings. More people held Sunday as sacred and worshipped together. You can blame a lot of things, social media, kids sporting events, many other distractions, even our hunting addictions, we all turn these things into our gods, putting them first in our lives. In my eyes it all leads back to families don't worship together like they used to. People tend to make up their own rules as to what it right for THEM if they don't have God's laws as a basis. When we all make up our own rules as we go, nobody can tell us what is right and wrong because if it's right for me then it must be OK. There you have it, punching out and headed to church with my bride. Peace be with you all.

Not buying it. Some of the most underhanded people I've ever met and dealt with never miss church on Sunday. Apparently they think thumping the bible on Sunday means they can do what they want the rest of the week.

I think for some folks, they need a reason to be "good" people and they find that direction with Church/religion. That's fine, but to imply that you aren't a good person if you don't attend church, well, that's the very reason I wont ever be a very religious person. That only confirms the very reason that people aren't attending church like they have in the past...tired of the "holier than thou" attitude.

As to the reason why kids shoot up happens, that's why. There is just a certain segment of any population that are half a bubble off plumb. Church wont fix it. The US citizens don't have the stomach for any kind of gun laws. They have no stomach for paying for mental health care, more school counselors, more school guards. Just listen to the bitching and complaining about teacher salaries, the cost of education, high taxes, teachers Unions, teacher benefits, and on and on. That's the way people "talk" that care about finding a solution? Not in my opinion. Sound more concerned with saving a few dollars at tax time to me.

So, like I've said in the past, just keep building caskets...that's the only current solution that most are willing to take on to solve the problem.
Not buying it. Some of the most underhanded people I've ever met and dealt with never miss church on Sunday. Apparently they think thumping the bible on Sunday means they can do what they want the rest of the week.

I think for some folks, they need a reason to be "good" people and they find that direction with Church/religion. That's fine, but to imply that you aren't a good person if you don't attend church, well, that's the very reason I wont ever be a very religious person. That only confirms the very reason that people aren't attending church like they have in the past...tired of the "holier than thou" attitude.

Even though it pains me greatly, I agree with general premise of the above statements. My wife is a licensed pastor, and she would also likely agree with most of this. One of her biggest struggles early on was she expected life to be different working in ministry. She quickly found out it wasn't really all that different from the secular world, and she had a difficult time reconciling with that.

As to the reason why kids shoot up happens, that's why. There is just a certain segment of any population that are half a bubble off plumb. Church wont fix it. The US citizens don't have the stomach for any kind of gun laws. They have no stomach for paying for mental health care, more school counselors, more school guards. Just listen to the bitching and complaining about teacher salaries, the cost of education, high taxes, teachers Unions, teacher benefits, and on and on. That's the way people "talk" that care about finding a solution? Not in my opinion. Sound more concerned with saving a few dollars at tax time to me.

I agree completely.

So, like I've said in the past, just keep building caskets...that's the only current solution that most are willing to take on to solve the problem.

Regardless of political affiliation, I've yet to really see anything that struck me as "this person has some great ideas on this". Same shit. Universal background checks will solve everything/be the end of the Constitution, high capacity magazines are the root of all evil/are my God given right, Any black semi automatic firearm is a sign of pending apocalypse/signifies 'Murica.
Buzz, I agree that some of the Sunday church crowd are untrustworthy, some are slime. But 90% plus are good people. I left my church in my teens due to the 10%. I am now an agnostic and comfortable with that. I still respect the 90%. More good than bad.

I only addressed part of your post. The rest you have my complete agreement.
Well, all you folks blaming school shootings on the failure of our society should know that they are less frequent now than they were 30 years ago.
Yep, church goers are sinners too! ALL of us!! EVERY DAY of the week!! The difference is God gives us a set of rules to live by that nobody can argue are bad. If we actually lived by them our life on this earth would be smooth sailing! (and kids wouldn't be shooting each other in school every other week.)
I would be pretty mad if someone piled my guns like that:(
However, if he was breaking gun laws then he should face the legal consequences. At least this guy likely has the means to defend himself in court.
How about I give a hypothetical. I would like your opinions as if this was a black guy on one of the poorest blocks in LA. Who had sold an illegal assault rifle then was found to have 1000 guns at his house.

Breaking gun laws makes all gun owners look bad.
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