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Gun raid in CA

I haven't dug into the details but at first sniff this one smells of Obummer, IE Fast and Furious. What is throwing me way off is the make of the guns, these look like run of the mill hunting long guns and common pistols.
Not buying it. Some of the most underhanded people I've ever met and dealt with never miss church on Sunday. Apparently they think thumping the bible on Sunday means they can do what they want the rest of the week.

I think for some folks, they need a reason to be "good" people and they find that direction with Church/religion. That's fine, but to imply that you aren't a good person if you don't attend church, well, that's the very reason I wont ever be a very religious person. That only confirms the very reason that people aren't attending church like they have in the past...tired of the "holier than thou" attitude.

As to the reason why kids shoot up happens, that's why. There is just a certain segment of any population that are half a bubble off plumb. Church wont fix it. The US citizens don't have the stomach for any kind of gun laws. They have no stomach for paying for mental health care, more school counselors, more school guards. Just listen to the bitching and complaining about teacher salaries, the cost of education, high taxes, teachers Unions, teacher benefits, and on and on. That's the way people "talk" that care about finding a solution? Not in my opinion. Sound more concerned with saving a few dollars at tax time to me.

So, like I've said in the past, just keep building caskets...that's the only current solution that most are willing to take on to solve the problem.
You completely missed what Muskeez stated, although in your mind you nailed it.

You're right though, "church" won't fix anything. Only a personal relationship with Jesus will. We live in a fallen world. There is evil present all the time. There has been since Adam and Eve were banished from the Garden of Eden. There has been murder since Cain murdered his brother Abel.

Your solution, well I haven't actually seen a solution, just a complaint about complaints.

Now, as far as CA, they have some crazy stupid laws and what constitutes a "assault" weapon and they keep changing the definition.
You completely missed what Muskeez stated, although in your mind you nailed it.

You're right though, "church" won't fix anything. Only a personal relationship with Jesus will. We live in a fallen world. There is evil present all the time. There has been since Adam and Eve were banished from the Garden of Eden. There has been murder since Cain murdered his brother Abel.

Your solution, well I haven't actually seen a solution, just a complaint about complaints.

Now, as far as CA, they have some crazy stupid laws and what constitutes a "assault" weapon and they keep changing the definition.

Well man this thread has went everywhere. Fact is we don't know what the facts are in this case and we are all back seat driving at this point. My guess is obviously it is know he possed illegal assault weapons in this case which is against the law in CA. I would never live there myself for any amount of money personally but if you choose to that's the statute you live with. Secondly if my instincts are on par with my normal day this guy was probably in the business of dealing firearms without an FFL license which is also against federal law.
Sucks to be him maybe he should have followed those laws and his guns wouldn't be thrown on the sidewalk outside his house being processed for evidence against him. Pretty simple really. If this was occurring this is a prime example of our loop holes in federal gun laws and is how criminal organizations are able to traffic guns in the US as well as internationally.
I totally disagreed with charging the parents. How am I or my wife supposed to defend ourselves in the event of a break-in if we have to go to the safe and unlock it to get our firearm? Heck how is my kid supposed to defend himself? I walked home from school and was there alone for 3-4 hrs until my parents got home from work. I knew where the guns were and how to use them. I currently live on the highway in a small town with no police officers. You think I really wanna tell my kid to dial 911 and hope for the best?
..The way they had them piled was about all I could take...UGH...I would have been a tad upset....