Groups suing the Feds over bear baiting in Idaho and Wyoming.


Well-known member
Feb 27, 2014
Casper, Wyoming
Citing mistaken kills by black bear hunters, certain "conservation" groups are suing over bear baiting in grizzly country. There is no information in this article to compare how many mistaken kills were by hunters baiting bear or by spot/stalking method. Be assured that this is the beginning of eliminating all black bear hunting in grizzly country.

Montana too, if they are even for it.
Wyoming hunters legally killed as many grizzlies last year as hunters in Montana. The biggest difference is several people got their hopes up that they had drawn a tag to hunt grizzlies in Wyo and then didn’t get to hunt them after all. Montana seen the writing on the wall after the wolf issue and decided to wait until the litigation was finished. If I remember correctly Montana was shooting wolves while Wyo was sitting on the bench.

Anyways....back to the topic at hand. This is nothing more than another effort to limit predator hunting. These groups keep throwing issues at the wall hoping something will stick.
Yep, and that is why we need all hands on deck to fight these things.
375 yes because its going to be a little chip at a time and a slow conversion of many of the sportsman by divide and conquer and a slow process of loosing freedoms which are seldom used but are still freedoms which when gone are gone forever.
375 yes because its going to be a little chip at a time and a slow conversion of many of the sportsman by divide and conquer and a slow process of loosing freedoms which are seldom used but are still freedoms which when gone are gone forever.
Yep, I watched many outdoor past times get taken away in Washington state while growing up, and when they are gone, they seem to leave for good.

Be sure not to stereotype who these people that vote for these things might be though.
The million dollar question is just exactly what Sportsmen can actually do that will help with a lawsuit filed by serial litigators against the USFS/USFWS?

I would have to think about all anyone can do at this point is see what happens with the lawsuit.

Perhaps, if the lawsuit goes against the agencies, ask the States of ID and WY to intervene and appeal based on the rights of the States to manage wildlife as they see fit?

This isn't like trying to influence a GF commission or State wildlife agency.

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