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Grizzly killed in Gravelly Range of Montana

I wish they had shot a couple of wolves instead! At least they weren't injured or worse.
After my experience last year, I have traded in the bear spray for my pistol. If I see a grizzly under 20 yards, it's dead.
We've got 'em up on Mac pass, and all over the northern end of the valley. Not thick yet, but they're there.

Carry what you're proficient at, and be safe guys.
That's illegal and just plain sad. If you are so afraid of big bears, don't go to where they are. If you're in Helena, you have to travel a decent amount to even get to grizzly habitat.

You need to get a clue. There are Grizzlies within 10 miles of the Helena City limits. And the only time a bear would be getting under 20 yards to me is when it's charging, which would mean a justified killing in self defense. It happened to me last year and I got lucky, not taking that chance again. I am certainly not afraid of bears, I am afraid of bunny humping, tree huggers that try to tell me how to live and defend myself when needed.
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We've got 'em up on Mac pass, and all over the northern end of the valley. Not thick yet, but they're there.

Carry what you're proficient at, and be safe guys.

My buddy had an encounter on Mac pass on Sunday. Bear crouched down facing him and then slowly worked a circle to catch his wind. Took a lot of yelling and a few tense moments before he scared it off. That's getting too close for comfort. A bear acting like that at under 20 yards is a serious threat. Luckily this bear didn't get any closer than about 40 yards.
Glad the guys in the Gravelly's were not injured. Hope the F&G boys find the evidence they need to exonerate them, everybody be safe when in Grizzly country.
Seems like the last time a grizz was shot in the Gravely's it was done by a Fish cop... as it was released from the bear trap. :rolleyes:

One less bear isn't going to hurt anything.
You need to get a clue. There are Grizzlies within 10 miles of the Helena City limits. And the only time a bear would be getting under 20 yards to me is when it's charging, which would mean a justified killing in self defense. It happened to me last year and I got lucky, not taking that chance again. I am certainly not afraid of bears, I am afraid of bunny humping, tree huggers that try to tell me how to live and defend myself when needed.


Kiss and make up?

You were not clear. You said any bear withing 20 yards is going to get shot. I've had two experiences this summer with grizzlys that close. Neither were charging. It can happen pretty easily when you are cow calling in dark timber. I was just pointing out that statement should be reconsidered. This site is a resource for lots of out-of-staters and I would just like to point out that you don't just get to smoke a grizz because you're within a certain distance.
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