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Greater sage-grouse 90-day finding released

Wow! Thanks for that link. I'll study it more this weekend.
Here's where to find this jewel of wisdom discussed:

"The concept that Sage Grouse are an indicator species of sagebrush obligates and sagebrush habitat health is troublesome. Sage grouse are a prey species or game bird with numbers managed by hunting in every western state. Sage Grouse exist to be eaten, to base range health and sagebrush ecosystem health upon this species is absurd."

What idiot would think sage grouse are not a good indicator of sagebrush habitat health??

:D :D Don't answer that question. I wouldn't want anyone to mention the names of a few SI posters! :D :D
The listing of the sage grouse could make my job very interesting to say the least. I don't see the need for a range wide listing, but definitely feel that some smaller areas could use some additional protection.
I had that come across my desk and haven't had much of a chance to look at it, but the end of the week is when this order comes to buisness...

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