Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Great lines from out Infamous Leader


New member
Dec 20, 2000
Jackson, Wyoming
Spent some time today going throug some very old posts and some of the things that Moosie said had me LMAO :D


Moosie said:
Things are great. I love life !! You learn things every day !!!

Lets take today for Example....

When pulling a trailer into town with a Dodge Diesle, Don't put Unleaded into it !!!

Just wanted to share that with the rest of you in case you didn't know that either . Hope your day is as good as mine !!! Talk to ya later

Moosie said:
I'll make some Noise non the less... I'll make sure to get pictures even if We get Skunked. If we get skunked I'll already have the Story Written about "It was the Experience.. BLAH BLAH BLAH.. And I didn'
t need to shoot anything... BLAH BLAH BLAH ... " HAHA !!!

Seriously though, I was stumped at the Milk thing last night at first (To be honest) but realised what a Dork I was quickly, Thanx to you guys for Reminding me !!! Hehe

This is easier then the 4 guys and the 30 $ room and the tip question and I figured that out Right away

Moosie said:
I think I need my ASS KICKED !!!!

Moosie said:
Hunterman... Lemme Look for a Sock ot fill with Quarters to Hit you and knock you back into reality like the rest of us.... Hope you weren't looknig for Any Sympathy...

Moosie said:
I wonder If I waste my time Hunting back in the Hills When alot of Game gets "SMOKED" by the road.... ANY THOUGHTS ?~?~?~?~

Moosie said:
I have a SHIRT with a BULL and a pile of DUNG on it

Moosie said:
I would type more but I'm goin gto the BAthroom to PUKE !!!! MAN.. that all you can eat buffet should have had a limit... MY 2 top buttons are open and I had a hard time getting out the truck... I'm also getting sleepy.......

Moosie said:
WELL you're welcome for this AWSOME site..... NOW I'm goingto kick ya in the KONADS

Moosie said:
WELL HECK.. just after typing this I went bear hunting.. I should have set goals before I left on that .. HAHA

Moosie said:
Ahhhhhhhh GOT it all figured out.. I called up and was on hold for like 15 mins. they must be real busy !!

I gave him my name and he said.. AHHH you're a tooth !!!! I said .. "A TOOTH" .. he said.. yah, thats why they can't find you.....

HUMMM I said.. well can you find me.... He said since I was a Williamson II I couldn't be found on the net... So instead of a "second" I'm a "Twoth"

Moosie said:
1/2 hour down the trail stopped and changed socks. I had the pair I was wearing, and 3 other pair. another 1/2 hour down the road I did it again. I had 3 pair of wet socks hanging off my pack and I smiled as my feet were fairly dry by this time (NOTE TO SELF... Do something different next time, Wet feet suck !!)

Moosie said:
WELL... HAD I been knocking the monkey around.. I would ahve scored... huh

Moosie said:
WELL.... My hunting standards are like Setting the standard in the early years picking up Chicks at the bar. Start with the 30"ers (perfect 10) As the beers go in and time mves on... YA end up in bed with the (perfect 2) (THE forked horn)

Moosie said:
MY day is Sucking @#)(# already

Moosie said:
TK, I didn't weigh him... But I packed him out all on my back.. So I'm guessing he was under 1,100 lbs ;) As far as the width, the butt measured 36"s chest 42.. Just like the women I like

Moosie said:
Ithica.... TELL him about .. I can Lower his GPA.. I've ruined alot of good students

Moosie said:
JB.. WE have have Road elk here too... I'll show ya some

Moosie said:
What is the difference between a smart woman and Bigfoot ?

Bigfoot has been spotted.
So....this spelling thing didn't just pop up all of a sudden? Thing is, I can understand every word.

Funny stuff.
Nut, I was bored and started to search some old posts and came across some really funny chit. While I was searching I decided I would grab a few Oscar quotes for fun. :)
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