Yeti GOBOX Collection

Gov Overeach? BLM

The way the adverse possession laws are in many states, he probably could have legally claimed ownership and gotten a deed if he was willing to go to court over it. Sounds like he doesn't mind going to court, maybe his claim is even weaker than it looks.

I wonder if adverse possession laws in Nevada are based on 20 years of squatting, if so that may be why the government had to force him to take the cows off the land.
Right wing media's attempt to turn this guy into some kind of folk hero, is offensive.

Yes it is. Have you read any of the reader comments posted below any of the news stories? If you have some guy screaming about his "rights" and the constitution, and then add in a not particularly loved government agency, you get all sorts of crazies coming out of the woodwork.
"Mr. Bundy has been in trespass on public lands for more than 20 years," Cannon said, adding that he owes the federal government some $1.1 million in unpaid grazing fees.

The bureau last week announced the area would be closed through May 12 while contractors conduct the roundup using helicopters, vehicles and temporary pens. Cannon said the agency paid the contractors $966,000.

Wake the flock up indeed.:cool:
NHY- From a property management perspective, I partially understand the costs and what the government is going through. In eviction cases (due to not paying) it is often times double or triple the cost of the actual rent owed to get the person out of the house and in some cases takes months to do so. I've seen cases where landowners will waive all fees just to get the deadbeat out of the place. Then all the repairs still have to be done etc with more costs that are incurred. It gets to be a really spendy situation for the homeowner. The bad part is, even if you take it to court and get a judgment, you probably won't see any of the amount owed. Still, in the long run it's worth it.
The way the adverse possession laws are in many states, he probably could have legally claimed ownership and gotten a deed if he was willing to go to court over it. Sounds like he doesn't mind going to court, maybe his claim is even weaker than it looks.

I wonder if adverse possession laws in Nevada are based on 20 years of squatting, if so that may be why the government had to force him to take the cows off the land.

Adverse possession is a problem on two fronts. One, he would be an unclean claimant as the government HAS asserted its rights and he HAS been in knowing violation of the law since 1993(at least). Second, adverse possession vs the federal government = NO GO.
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