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Got one raised!

Woo hoo, congrats. Empty-nester here and all are successful, now married to spouses with careers as well plus two grandkids each. I have some buddies where one or more of the offsprings are done with high school yet failing to properly launch from the nest. Not as easy to launch perhaps as back in my day though I really do not know. Is a great feeling knowing your kid not only can offer to pick up the tab at a restaurant but is also able to without any significant impact on their budget. I never was a mooch though is satisfying being told to stop pulling out my wallet as my money is no longer good when at dinner or on a trip with one of the offspring.
Now she will get married,have children and you are back to raising another herd of (grand)...children.
How do i know? Two grandchildren (Boys) just left after another sleepover.I need a nap.Ha!,Ha!
Congratulations to you and your Daughter. :cool:
One down, two to oldest daughter just got her first “career”job! She is now self sufficient. Graduated college in May debt free with a Bachelors degree and starts her first job in two weeks.

This is what it is all about. Congratulations to your daughter as well as to yourself and your wife. This didn't just happen, it took years of guidance, support, and love from you and your wife, as well as hard work and determination from your daughter. Very happy for you, your wife and daughter
One down, two to oldest daughter just got her first “career”job! She is now self sufficient. Graduated college in May debt free with a Bachelors degree and starts her first job in two weeks.
Had my oldest daughter do the same this year. Graduated and has a radiology position. Now I don't have to pay her car insurance or phone bill! I'm on the hook for an impending wedding though. mtmuley
Congratulations to all. Sure have fond feelings for Tulsa (8 years undergrad and grad school at ORU).

I hope she has a solid foundation in budgeting, and can start salting away some early savings instead of falling into the "get it now" mentality of so many "kids" these days.
Congrats to her and your family! I have 3 boys and the youngest is down to his last year of college. They all did it debt free as well and the two older ones are employed in their field in jobs they love. It's a great feeling. Enjoy!
Congrats, my oldest graduated last year also debt free. She has a full time job(since graduation) and moved out a few months ago.
#2 is a HS Senior this year, still looking at colleges and what the plans are post HS graduation.

1 down, 3 to go.
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