Goat meat options

Now the truth comes out!:) My goat was good for a gag reflex. Loved the comments by Fin and Greenie. All that is left, is for the same guys to come clean on how delectable that bear meat is that they get every year?! haha. Bozeman pooches get the short end of the stick I'm thinkin'.:D

All I can say is the bear I took last fall is delectible. Great to eat, period. Can't speak but for the one bear and have akways heard bear is not good. My one bear duggests otherwise.

Mt. Goat is well, tough, but good flavor, and not gamey for mine at least. Cook steaks with low heat and don't let it get too hot. Flip often. Serve pretty rare and can at least eat it. Grill it and get some char on it and forget it. Tooo tough.
Interesting comments. I had to have my goat processed before coming home (only animal anyone else has ever processed for me). On the advice of my outfitter I had the entire thing ground, with about 10% beef or pork added (I don't recall which). Now even the burger was a little chewy, but I thought it had a great flavor. No hesitatation by me to grind the next one into burger and use it just as I would elk burger.
Goat jerky: was great, would hands down make a ton of that, very enjoyable great flavor and a very shareable treat for everyone.
Goat steaks: Sliced thin enough you could get through them but were about a C- table fare rating, still had good flavor.
Future testing: Goat brats, hopefully to be made here in the next few weeks. (everyone loves a good cheddar brat).

Taste: my goat had a great flavor, chewy for sure but flavor was awesome. I've herd if you get them in the rut this is quite the opposite.

When you dig that goat out of the freezer you want to remember the experience, so I suggest make it into something you'd enjoy. Every time I reach into my freezer for some goat my legs start to cramp :)

Cheers, good luck hunting!
The billy I took last year aged at 7.5 yrs old. As I was cutting up the meat all to be ground for salami, my wife asks "Aren't you going to at least try one steak?" I sighed and cut up one four pack of steaks. A week later I cooked them up with onions, mushrooms, butter and some seasoning. The same way we have had great luck with elk and antelope. I took two bites, swallowed one and spit the other out. Not even the dog would eat it. The scraps are still in my freezer ready for pepperoni and salami for the upcoming hunting season. I'm not too motivated to get it processed but feel obligated. I just hope that it is edible.

Get one with long hair and a nice set of horns. You are not meat hunting on your goat hunt, that's for sure!
Funny stuff. Laughed out loud. I made jerky and pepperoni from my billy in 2009. Did not try to cook as a roast or steak. Got lucky, I suppose. I have a hunt in Colorado in a couple of months and plan to do the same. Thank goodness for proper dental care over the years.
I tried eating my goat. When I cooked it, the house smelled like cayenne pepper and piss. My labs wouldn't even eat it. Ended up giving to the coyotes. I don't think they ate it.
Reminds me of how to cook a sage hen.

Step 1 - Open can of beer
Step 2 - Drink can of beer
Step 3 - Throw sage hen in garbage
Step 4 - Go out to dinner
Reminds me of how to cook a sage hen.

Step 1 - Open can of beer
Step 2 - Drink can of beer
Step 3 - Throw sage hen in garbage
Step 4 - Go out to dinner


That is my method for ducks and geese. Finally just quit hunting them as I could not find anybody willing to eat the nasty things.
Randy, Nathan and anyone else who drew a goat tag...will you give me some meat from the goat you shoot this fall? Preferably a roast or other larger chunk (backstrap if you're feeling generous) I will send you a cooler for the mail and pay for overnight shipping to me. I'm happy to drop in an equal portion of meat that I have, salmon, cod, wild pig, hopefully an acorn feed deer by then too.

I feel like this is a challenge, and I need to break a code. I've never seen a meat universally panned like this and I want to see if I can make it palatable. That and I want to see if I should bother continuing to pay for goat points.

All I ask is that you take as good of care as you can before you get it to me.

Shoot me a PM if you're interested.
Randy, Nathan and anyone else who drew a goat tag...will you give me some meat from the goat you shoot this fall? Preferably a roast or other larger chunk (backstrap if you're feeling generous) I will send you a cooler for the mail and pay for overnight shipping to me. I'm happy to drop in an equal portion of meat that I have, salmon, cod, wild pig, hopefully an acorn feed deer by then too.

I feel like this is a challenge, and I need to break a code. I've never seen a meat universally panned like this and I want to see if I can make it palatable. That and I want to see if I should bother continuing to pay for goat points.

All I ask is that you take as good of care as you can before you get it to me.

Shoot me a PM if you're interested.

Deal. You can pick it up when you come up here elk hunting.
#unsuccessful :(

I might still come up, but scrambling for other options right now. Trying to get a shorter drive and lower fee....but the sorcery of Montana is strong.

That's just a sign that you're supposed to kill a bull this year.
With all the hype this awesome goat meat is getting I don't know if I will want to part with any of mine!

I'll ponder on it though.
I would take a pressure canner and can it on the road. Makes any meat tender! Throw in a few peppers and a clove of garlic. Should make good enchiladas etc...

I hope I get to suffer thru eating one some day! :)
Maybe it's the different diet up here, but I've eaten 3 Billie's and a nanny. The first one was a bit rough (shot on a 70 degree day with a 9 mile pack out), but the other 3 were great. The backstrap is not very tender on them, but has good flavor. The roasts have all been fairly tender with good flavor and I cut most of those into steaks. The rest of the animal I make into burger and that has always been good too. Not as good as sheep, but on par with our elk and deer, which I would rank considerably better than mule deer and whitetail.
I have another tag for this fall and I am actually looking forward to having a pile of goat meat in the freezer. My wife also likes goat meat and she is pretty finicky when it comes to wild game.
Just my 2 cents.

All the talk of meat with decent flavor, but tough, anyone ever try brining it overnight?

Our AZ Cow Elk from last year had the same issue. Hamburger is awesome. Backstraps, sirloins all extra chewy but tasted great. Was thinking was going to have to grind the steaks up, but experimented with a brine/spice solution first - made a world of difference. Might give it a shot.

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