Glamping Platform

Pretty cool when placed in an appropriate area. Looks like you have that dialed in so not knocking you and your activity.

Unfortunately, our private, yet rural area, just had 19 acres sold to out of state numbnuts and rush building phases to accommodate 65 flippin' glamp units all between our private residential areas.

Montana sucks royal nuts for lack of teeth to tell them where to shove it and they are full tilt rolling, regardless septic limitations etc. We are a griz and black bear area along with... well blah. I hear their beeping back up noises as I type.

We've had neighborhood meetings, etc. This is a group of surgeons, nurses from out of state who've collectively invested into the idea of "glamping" withittle regard to the neighborhood they're adversely effecting.

We're in the thick of moving towards legal action... what the hell are they thinking. 65 units on 19 acres surrounded by private residential properties? Hopefully a bit of teeth exists with commercial road easement limits and septic... whatever our collective $ can do legally...

Location, location, location... their reviews by "glampers" are going to be pretty ugly. Unfortunately, by that time, construction will have been completed...

Reminds me, I need to pop off a box of rounds in my newly built pistol range.

Not pissin' on your setup. Looks pretty enjoyable and I bet a nice fit. The timing of your post and our setting.

Great pics! Best of success!
Thanks Sytes. I hear ya, if I had what you're describing I'd be going nuts too!
Very nicely done!! I'm contemplating something similar on our property here in Hoosier-land vs. having a permanent structure.