Getting Old Sucks

Brian in Montana

Well-known member
Jan 20, 2017
Ramsay, MT
I really need to be practicing with my bow, but I'm having a flare-up with an old shoulder injury, which in turn aggravates a back problem. I used to be able to handle this stuff a lot better, but nowadays if I'm not careful I wind completely twisted up barely able to move. I'm going to be 48 in September, think this sort of thing will get better from here? I guess I'm doubting it. 😞
Yep. You're not old yet. I am 58 (not old either). Like D said above I notice recovery time is longer. Harder each year for me to keep up with my 20 something boys but I keep at it. I still trail run 4-5 miles most each day. I hike when I am to tired and sore to run. Gotta keep moving.
I feel your pain. My shoulder is 42 going on 90.

I can shoot my bow fine. However, for the next few days after I shoot my right shoulder and arm are basically useless. I had an MRI a couple weeks ago and have an appointment to get the verdict August 6th. If the MRI doesn’t show anything then I will have nerve conduction studies done to check for Both carpal tunnel syndrome and thoracic outlet syndrome. Thoracic outlet syndrome is basically like carpal tunnel syndrome in the shoulder. It’s bad news if it is thoracic outlet because it is a fairly major surgery if they even find a Doctor willing to do it.
Yep. You're not old yet. I am 58 (not old either). Like D said above I notice recovery time is longer. Harder each year for me to keep up with my 20 something boys but I keep at it. I still trail run 4-5 miles most each day. I hike when I am to tired and sore to run. Gotta keep moving.
68 with a 40 yr old elbow injury, Crossbow time. Sept bull archery in AZ, I'm doing 100 situps and 3 sets of 70 squats and Keto diet. I'll get serious next month.
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Getting old sucks?? Yes, yes it does Brian and I also suffer at times doing things that a younger me wouldn't think twice about. Twice this year my back has had me walking around looking like a human question mark!

Just wait till 50, it all seems to breakdown slowly after the half century mark is in the rear view mirror. Hope that all is right for you by September...
I reached 60 2 weeks ago, left shoulder knackered, right elbow painful, but I can live with the pain, I would be more concerned if other parts of my anatomy started to fail, its not all about hunting and fishing😂
Turned 59 in June and decided it was time to reshape my life. Have lost 25# since 6/17. Retired last year, so don’t have run balls to the wall anymore, plus lost the stress.
With all the damage I’ve done to my body over the years and the repairs, I’m amazed I can still stand upright.
Keep moving forward and listen to your body. Staying in shape is a whole lot easier than getting in shape.
I was fortunate to know a gentleman that was 104 years old. He showed up at the YMCA every other day in the early morning. I asked him what the key was to living so long and he said, "Keep moving". He later died at the age of 105.
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