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Senior Thread Mover
Nov 28, 2001
Chandler, Az
Fill up now! I just topped off the diesel truck, gasser car with my boy driving with his learners permit while I followed in the quad. Filled up both vehicles and one 5 gal container with diesel and one 5 gal container with gasoline. Wish I had a couple 55 gal drums!
First they blame the gas cost on the war in the Middle East. Now they blame it on Katrina, because at least 30% of our oil comes from the Gulf Coast. This Administration has to go...and I am a life long Republican. Bush is oil rich, and getting richer on the backs of the American worker. They let the prices jump up so they could start their crickets, and make money. When oil is cheap, American producers shut down their wells, when it goes up, they start pumping again. This fuel has already been pumped, refined, and is in the ground, why does it cost more?
This is a chart showing one of my Mutual Funds and the effect the oil prices have had on it. The dates are along the bottom. August 30, was when Katrina hit.

Kinda proves that the raise in gas is profit motivated. Maybe I should sell now! Going to be interesting to watch this for the next couple of days.
I dont feel one bit sorry for anyone that voted for're all getting what you deserve.

Also if you voted for Bush, go cry on someones shoulder that gives a shit, I dont want to hear a word. I hope all the dumb bastards that voted for this assclown are thinking about their "choice" everytime they fill up.

This is great...I laugh everytime I fuel up.
It was classic watching Dubya riding around in Air Force 1 burning thousands of gallons of fuel "surveying the damage".... as he deals with the disaster in Lousiana (which is right next to Texas if he had a map) by flying to Washington DC....

Another Bush classic "Nobody knew the levee's would burst"...HUH?????

The stupid bastard cut funding to the Army Corp of Engineers so they could complete them...but who would have ever guessed an unfinished levee would burst when a class 4 hurricane hit??? Beings how he doesnt read...he also must not have watched the several documentaries on T.V. that STATED NEW ORLEANS WAS TOAST if a large hurricane hit it. PBS and Discovery must be able to predict the future...but numbnuts acts surprised.

Is it really possible for a president to be that f*(&ing stupid???

I may have not agreed with you on all issues in the past, but I respect your opinions. Gunner/Jose/Pedro et al, you don't deserve the same respect.

That being said, shouldn't you guys spew your hyperbole in the section that was set asside for those who wish to debate politics/illegals etc? I forget the name of the thread title. The funny thing is that I don't miss it at all!
Sinclair, which pumps all it's oil in WY and refines it there and in Salt Lake City raised their wholesale gas prices $.25 per gallon Wednesday nite. Thursday their distributors screamed so loud about it Sinclair cut the increase back to $.10 a gallon.

The SLC refineries are now refining crude oil they bought two months ago at lower prices, but raising prices anyway. Nothing but price gouging by Dubya's buddies in the oil business, who were his biggest campaign contributors and long time supporters.

I hope everyone who voted for Dubya has a 50 mile commute to work every day and does it in a diesel pickup they bought three years ago when diesel was cheaper than gas.

I bought a four cylinder 2004 Hyundai Sonata for my "around town" car when I saw what Dubya's buddies were having him do a couple years ago.

Luckily I don't have enough insecurities that I worry about having your respect. If I ever do, hopefully I can get a prescription from Dr. Kevorkian...

But what do you think about fuel prices for your airline? What is going to happen to your bonus/profit sharing plan when Herb has to pay this month's fuel bill????

And isn't it Exxon that has a Supertanker named Condi Rice??? Hard to imagine where Dubya's loyalty lies.....Or maybe it was Chevron....
WASHINGTON, Sept. 1 - A political furor intensified on Thursday over President Bush's handling of Hurricane Katrina as Democrats, local officials and members of an increasingly bewildered public accused the president of a slow response to the flood that has plunged New Orleans into chaos.

Mr. Bush, in a rare morning television interview, fought back.

"I hope people don't play politics during this period of time," Mr. Bush told Diane Sawyer of ABC's "Good Morning America" in the Roosevelt Room of the White House. "This is a natural disaster, the likes of which our country may have never seen before."

But the politics of natural disaster were close to the surface as Democrats said that the crisis had become a political catastrophe as daylong images on television showed refugees desperate for food and water in the richest nation on earth.

Representative Harold E. Ford Jr., Democrat of Tennessee, said in a statement that he was struck by Mr. Bush's "cavalier attitude toward the plight of poor people across Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama" and added that "now is not the time in the face of pain, anguish and death to be weak and uncertain."

Terry Ebbert, the head of homeland security in New Orleans, bitterly complained on Thursday that the Federal Emergency Management Agency was not offering enough help.

"This is a national emergency," Mr. Ebbert told The Associated Press. "This is a national disgrace. FEMA has been here three days, yet there is no command and control. We can send massive amounts of aid to tsunami victims, but we can't bail out the city of New Orleans."

Other Democrats cast Mr. Bush's first survey of the damage, from his window on Air Force One two days after the hurricane hit, as an imperial act removed from the suffering of the people below.

"It was not enough for the president to bank his plane and look at the window and say, 'Oh, what a devastating site,' " Senator Frank R. Lautenberg, Democrat of New Jersey, said in a statement on Thursday. "Instead of looking out the window of an airplane, he should have been on the ground giving the people devastated by this hurricane hope."

White House officials, already sensitive that Mr. Bush is suffering the lowest approval ratings of his presidency and under pressure to manage a catastrophe of what they called biblical proportions, reacted with frustration.

"Seventy-two hours into this, to be openly posturing about this, to be attacking the president, is not only despicable and wrong, it's not politically smart," said one White House official who asked not to be named because he did not want to be seen as talking about the crisis in political terms. "Normal people at home understand that it's not the president who's responsible for this, it's the hurricane. This will get better, hour by hour and day by day."

Publicly, the White House moved swiftly on many fronts to respond. Scott McClellan, the White House press secretary, announced that Mr. Bush would spend Friday touring the devastation on the Gulf Coast and in New Orleans, and that former Presidents Bill Clinton and George Bush would lead a private fund-raising effort for the flood and hurricane victims, similar to what they did after the Asian tsunami last December.

Mr. Clinton, who has become politically close to the Bush family in the last year, was the most prominent Democrat to defend Mr. Bush against the accusations of slowness.

Asked about the federal response in an interview on CNN, Mr. Clinton said that he understood why the refugees living in "hellacious conditions" in the New Orleans Superdome felt the way they did, "but the people that put them there did it because they thought they were saving their lives, and then when the problems showed up, they had a lot of other people to save."

Former Senator John B. Breaux, a Louisiana Democrat who is close to the White House, said in an interview Thursday that people in New Orleans were mad at politicians at all levels. "They're mad at the governor, they're mad at the mayor, and if I was in office, they'd get mad at me," he said. "They don't care if you're an elephant or a donkey. You've got to be on top of it. You've got to be aggressive. You've got to show that something is being done."

The White House battled a chorus of criticism throughout the day as bloggers made much of the secretary of state, Condoleezza Rice, vacationing in New York during the disaster, where she was spotted at a Broadway show and was to attend the U.S. Open. By Thursday evening, Ms. Rice had cut short her vacation and returned to Washington, where she headed to a staff meeting to discuss ways of coordinating offers of foreign assistance from more than 30 countries and organizations.

Bloggers also circulated a picture of Mr. Bush playing a guitar at an event in California on Tuesday to imply that he was fiddling while New Orleans drowned. In fact, the picture was taken when the country singer Mark Wills presented Mr. Bush with a guitar backstage at North Island Naval Air Station in Coronado, Calif., after Mr. Bush gave a speech marking the 60th anniversary of the Japanese surrender in World War II.

Later that day, as floodwaters poured into New Orleans, Mr. Bush returned to his ranch in Texas, then left from his ranch for Washington on Wednesday morning.

Ed Koch, the former mayor of New York who learned that it was essential to respond quickly to city disasters, said that Mr. Bush had not moved swiftly enough to express sympathy for the victims.

"I learned that people want you out there, they want you to suffer a little with them, they want you to convince them that you will protect them as part of your family, they want you to be an extension of them," Mr. Koch said.
Here's what being discussed on the message board I posted:

3958461 Re: UN offers assistance to New Orleans
triumph_the_insul... Strong Sell 2 09/02/05 03:21 am
3958460 Bush & Putin, dictators doing same same
putinisrussiandes... 09/02/05 03:21 am
3958459 Re: LA and SF may have EARTHQUAKE
nigars_r_nuckle_d... 09/02/05 03:20 am
kimhoang909 Strong Sell 1 09/02/05 03:20 am
3958457 Levis AND Levees
jim1004 09/02/05 03:20 am
3958456 LA and SF may have EARTHQUAKE
bobzxzxx 1 09/02/05 03:19 am
3958455 Liberals going crazi
ostap_maria_suley... 09/02/05 03:18 am
3958454 Re: UN offers assistance to New Orleans
putinisrussiandes... 09/02/05 03:18 am
kimhoang909 Strong Sell 09/02/05 03:17 am
3958452 Re: YOU Voted for This, Bushtard Bastard
putinisrussiandes... 09/02/05 03:17 am
3958451 Re: BREAD GOING TO $75 GAS TO $200
my_opinion_2002 09/02/05 03:16 am
3958450 UN offers assistance to New Orleans
wall_st_mugger Strong Sell 2 09/02/05 03:15 am
merguez99999 09/02/05 03:15 am
nigars_r_nuckle_d... 09/02/05 03:15 am
reccenter1 09/02/05 03:15 am
nigars_r_nuckle_d... 09/02/05 03:14 am
3958445 Did anyone ask Bush who Nero was yet?
acementhead 1 09/02/05 03:14 am
How about a new thread heading...."Euphoria"...this one has morphed into a form of sexual release...maybe he can muster up a nice west coast earthquake so some of you can really get your rocks off.
JoseCuervo said:

Luckily I don't have enough insecurities that I worry about having your respect. If I ever do, hopefully I can get a prescription from Dr. Kevorkian...

But what do you think about fuel prices for your airline? What is going to happen to your bonus/profit sharing plan when Herb has to pay this month's fuel bill????

And isn't it Exxon that has a Supertanker named Condi Rice??? Hard to imagine where Dubya's loyalty lies.....Or maybe it was Chevron....
Unfortunately, Dr. K has passed on, but I'm sure you can find a someone to fill your prescription.

Yes, times will be tough at my airline. They will be tough for all who work in the transportation industry! Southwest Airlines is the only airline that hedged their fuel and is actually very safe until the year 2008! After that, who knows, but for now I think my job is safe, in 2008...that may be another story.
BuzzH said:
I dont feel one bit sorry for anyone that voted for're all getting what you deserve.

Also if you voted for Bush, go cry on someones shoulder that gives a shit, I dont want to hear a word. I hope all the dumb bastards that voted for this assclown are thinking about their "choice" everytime they fill up.

This is great...I laugh everytime I fuel up.


Can you please explain how the President is responsible for the sharp rise in gas prices? I fail to see how voting for Bush=higher gas prices. Maybe I am just a little slow but I can't see the connection.

JoseCuervo said:
It was classic watching Dubya riding around in Air Force 1 burning thousands of gallons of fuel "surveying the damage".... as he deals with the disaster in Lousiana (which is right next to Texas if he had a map) by flying to Washington DC....



The FEMA is already spending $500,000,000 a day to deal with this unprecedented diasaster. The president was asked not to come to Miss. or LA. on Wednesday because of the resources and security problems associated with a presidential visit.

As Hurricane Katrina surged past New Orleans, Louisiana mobilized its soldiers to help, as did Mississippi, Alabama and other southern states. Despite prominent roles in the War on Terror, the states report more than the 50 percent strength mandated for homeland missions. Louisiana has 65 percent of its troops available for state missions; Mississippi, 60 percent; Alabama, 77 percent; and Florida, 74 percent, Guard officials said.

What do you and Buzz want the federal government and the Bush administration to do? If the New Orleans police dept. participates in the looting how are the Feds to respond and assist them? No local and state responsibility.

You guys can't even take a day off for something that was a NATURAL DIASASTER.

It was a "NATURAL DISASTER" the day it happened. What has happened since is not "natural", it is, as Dubya described it, "not acceptable" and that is why he is finally putting the golf clubs away and going to look. How many days after 9/11 did it take him to finish reading My Pet Goat and grab the bullhorn at the WTC?
It isn't Bush's fault that the levees were not adequate. Everyone down there has known for decades that this was possible if a big one came. They were just crossing their fingers in hopes that it wouldn't happen. Well, guess what, it happened. After Andrew hit in 1992 the levee question was brought to the forefront again. Guess what, nothing was done about it then either.

Why can't they just call the Dutch and have them build a new levee system. They have been successful in shuttig out the North Sea, i think they would be able to handle the lakes around NO.

I also think that Blanco (LA's gov.) and Nagin (NO's mayor) waited too long before they tried to do anything to stop the crime. It is probably because those people are the ones who put both of them in office. Don't want to anger the constituants. Also new reports of the NOPD participating in the looting, or just walking off the job and leaving town. Go figure. LA politics has a loooong history of corruption and now it is all coming to the surface. Look at how MS is dealing with it. Why don't you see the same problems, to the same level, over there? They came down hard on it right off.

If you really want to keep track of some of the events, WJBO 1150 has a web broadcast of their radio station, and has a ton of articles they continuously update.
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