Caribou Gear

Former Vegan ailed by AOH (Adult Onset Hunting)


New member
Mar 28, 2016
Durango, CO
Hello Everyone, it's great to take the step from lurker to participant and post to this great forum. Like the title says, I am a former vegan who's always been concious of my food sources and I've recently found hunting. The past year, 2015, has had layers of unique circumstances which led me down this path of even greater good conciousness.

I have been travelling North America for over a year with my family in an old school bus that we've renovated specifically for this voyage. My interest stemmed from conversations, stories, podcasts (we've driven A LOT!), and through our travelling cat having killed a rabbit (and my wife and I trying to figure out how to utilize and not let it go to waste).

All that being said, I'm ready to get out there and hunt. I have lots of experience in the woods that I feel will be useful but will certainly look to everyone hear for advice and guidance. I've slowly been gathering gear and am ready on the optics, firearms, and maps, but still need to buy (and wear!) some good boots.

I have a muzzleloader tag for pronghorn and early rifle for mule deer and hoping to pick up a OTC elk tag for late rifle. Been listening to Randy's podcast and Watching his YouTube episodes trying to get everything I can from them. Also been listening to Rinellas Meateater podcast which has been a blast too.

Thanks for reading, and if anyone else is in Durango, CO I'd love to grab a beer and talk hunting.

Hi Mick, all the best for your hunts this year! Have heard a lot of great things about the Durango area and hope to visit that way one day.
Welcome to the site.
How long are you planning on traveling in the bus? If you happen to kill anything from those tags while traveling around, you may want to buy a freezer for it to.
Welcome, and I hope your first experiences hunting are great!

You didn't mention if you have been reading on the topic. If you haven't already seen it, Rinella's guide to hunting, butchering, and cooking books are outstanding. Tons of good information that will make your first seasons that much smoother!
Hoards of you Vegans and transients moving here.

You have a hangover this morning, or are you normally like this on Sunday mornings? Often, when someone shows up here that might not fit your idea of the traditional hunter, you have to be a smartass of the highest degree. I've tired of it. Put a cork it in, or go elsewhere.
Welcome. Ignore some of the ignorant comments from people who make the process of becoming a new hunter far more difficult than it should be. I don't live in CO, but if I can help in any way, let me know.

As the owner of this site, if anyone has a problem with people coming to hunting from a background different than yours, either keep it to yourself or pack your keyboard and go elsewhere. I want hunters of any type and all types, no matter where they come from geographically, social, culturally, or financially. If you want hunting to be nothing but a bunch of pissed off white males, then you've saddled up on a soon-to-be dead horse.
My niece is vegetarian and studies wildlife biology in college. She actually supports my hunting. When I go back home I make new and different vegetarian foods and show her how she can make regular everyday foods vegatarian and gluten free. She just doesn't want to hear about gruesome details of hunts or seeing animals all bloody in pics, and I can respect that. She did say that if she were to eat meat it would be something I hunted, but she said I make her too much yummy vegetarian foods :W:
Hmmmmm. I wasn't thinking the same. Anyone who wants to get into hunting is welcome on this site.

To the OP and Mr. Fin, I truly apologize! I was just being a little sarcastic and may have (did) stepped over the line. Especially to a new member.
Again, I do apologize!
Welcome, Boxermick. You will find much helpful info on this site that will enable you to add tasty lean meat to your diet. Vegan friends and acquaintances I have known have all been knowledgeable students of nutrition and have offered a wealth of information about healthy foods. As someone who has always appreciated venison in my diet, it is refreshing to hear from those more knowledgeable that lean wild game meat is not only tasty, but also good for you healthwise. I am especially pleased to learn of those formerly strictly vegan who decide to hunt for themselves and add venison to their diet.
Welcome to the forum. I hope you have a successful season. To me, there is nothing like gathering your own food, be it from a garden or from the hunting grounds.
No doubt in my book, hunting and/or raising your own meat is much more humane than getting it from a feedlot. I also like to know exactly where my food comes from, and how it's been handled.
Welcome Boxermick. While I have never been vegan, I did try vegetarianism for a couple weeks 35 years ago, I need meat way too much. I do periodically, mostly in summer, make some awesome vegetarian dishes for about 4-5 days at a time.

I greatly care about my food sources, which is part of why I hunt, that and to make sure my meat source is treated with the greatest respect I can provide to the situation. So I can relate.

Welcome to the forum, there is a wealth of information and resources here. If you travel around much, I would suggest dehydrating some of your meat (not the backstrap) to save weight and space. Jerky is awesome from deer and elk (Jerky addict here).

Good luck on this years hunt.

Randy, thank you for standing up for hunting of all types, we need hunting growth, and thereby more advocacy.
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