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For the first time in 10 years


Well-known member
Jun 25, 2018
North Carolina
I'm below 215. I had gotten up to around 240 in 2020 and decided to work on dropping weight before elk hunting in 2021. Got down to around 220 and got complacent. Bounced around 225 and then this spring decided to get serious about cutting weight again. Haven't been this weight since high school.

Carry on, just wanted to brag a little.
Nice! I recently lost a good clip that I've been carrying for the last 5 years or so, went from 215 at the start of the spring to 185. Been feeling great. First time at 185 in probably 10 years. Been sleeping better, more productive and my joints have been feeling much better. I can actually just run without having to stretch first for fear of tweaking my ankles. Can't tell you how many times carrying that weight I went to run and get something quick only to have that first spring off tweak my ankle.
That's awesome. I need to get back to 215 from 225. My belt is on the last hole and my shirts are a tough tight.
Congrats! Definitely something to brag about!

I only get below 200 when I’m swamped with harvest at work, not eating much, and on my feet constantly. Then we get a lull for a week or so and the junk food comes out and I’m back to 220 it seems. Haven’t stepped on a scale for a couple months. Almost afraid to at this point as I know the stress has been high this summer.
Thanks everyone. Definitely feels good to use a different notch on the belt. And it was really noticeable the last two weeks when we've been working in a crawl space replacing a girter and floor joists.

For me, the biggest changes have been really paying attention to my body on when I'm actually hungry and how much food a meal needs to contain. When I get lazy and just order a meal instead of a sandwich or dont portion out my supper that's when I start shooting back up.

It's also crazy how much quitting eating breakfast cereal helped (even stuff like cheerios).
Good job! I was a fat ass at one point in my life. Decided I didn’t want to live like that and lost 60 lbs. that was 40 years ago. It’s hard but I have to closely watch how much I eat. And move. Lots of exercise. Still haven’t gained it back.
I still wear the same size pants that I did when I graduated from high school ... fifty-two years ago. 34" waist. Actually, inseam has shrunk from 34" to 32". Not bragging. No, not me! Never.
Great Job!!!

I am a guy that fluctuates yearly....usually down to about 225 in the summer and up to about 245 after hunting season/holidays/birthdays like a cycle. With Rona and the gyms closing etc blah a doctors appointment in FEB I stepped on a scale and saw 260 for the first time since I played football, and it was NOT solid weight. I audibly dropped the F bomb. Started low carbing it and hitting the now open gyms. As of yesterday I am sitting at 219 and that is about as low as I can go without literally starving myself. Feels sooo much better. I haven't been at this weight since I was on active duty.

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