Yeti GOBOX Collection

Food list for backpack hunt.

For me it is Breakfast Mountain House Blueberry granola and powdered milk. Lunch is tortilla rollup with peanut butter/honey/bacon ( premade at home). Snack is a full size Snickers. Dinner mountain house and instant mashed potatoes ( sometimes mixed together). TONs of water. I take some swedish fish as well, they are my comfort food and I love them. Yes I always lose weight.

My first back pack hunt I took the energy gel, gorp, cliff bars, etc..

The Gorp I left for the squirrels. Gel and cliff bars came home and went in the trash.
Like others have stated it’s somewhat a personal preference on food to take. I agree I would ditch those drink mixes in favor of Liquid IV packets. I will also take some recovery workout powder and seal them in individual packets. I mix them up and drink them with my dinner meal.

Get yourself some individual packets of peanut butter or nut butter also. They are a great addition to the honey stinger or a Lenny and Larry cookie!
Man, I haven’t done a backpacking hunt in a couple of years. I’m going to have to revamp my meal plan to make up for the three cans of Copenhagen that won’t be packed.
One of my favorite songs.
The first time I heard it I was stuck with a guy from WI with his hat, buckle and jeans that his Mom bought him when he was in the 9th grade and he thought still fit him; on a 15 mile trek in the mountains who thought he would sing it the whole way :)

Cowboy through and through
A 20 pack of tortillas, a pound of peanut butter and 2lbs of precooked bacon a pound of dehydrated refried beans and hamburger fills a lot of gaps in the menu. I don't pack a lot of sugar outside Snickers and a protein bar a day. I usually take 5-6 mountain house meals for a 10 day trip. Sometimes they are breakfast sometimes dinner.

I eat maybe 2000 cals a day. Take food you want to eat. I've gone with a lot of guys that dread eating the same food after a 4-5 days.
I do a bit of a matrix to ensure variety in the menu. I agree with others I get bored and can't eat the same exact thing every day. This menu is a variation I picked up from a through-hiker. I used to plan 1.5-2 lbs a day (I normally eat a lot) but have found that's too much for me on the mountain / at elevation. Now more like 1.0 - 1.5 lbs per day. Looking for foods that are high calorie per gram.

Doesn't seem like I can attach the excel version but if you want it just shoot me a PM and I can email to you -- you can adjust your own menu for every day you'll be out and it'll total everything up for you for when you hit the grocery store. Then throw everything for a single day into a ziploc or vacuum bag and label it, and it'll keep you on track.


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Don't listen to anyone telling you to trade out one item for another just because thats what they pack. The bottom line is that if you like it and you know you will eat it, take it. It doesn't do you any good to pack in food you wont eat just because someone said to. Unlike most of the rest of these people, I pack in quite a bit of food and eat throughout the entire day. As the old saying goes: Better to have and not need than need and not have. If you're hungry hunting gets harder and harder everyday...
Don't listen to anyone telling you to trade out one item for another just because thats what they pack. The bottom line is that if you like it and you know you will eat it, take it. It doesn't do you any good to pack in food you wont eat just because someone said to. Unlike most of the rest of these people, I pack in quite a bit of food and eat throughout the entire day. As the old saying goes: Better to have and not need than need and not have. If you're hungry hunting gets harder and harder everyday...
Thanks, I was starting to think I was the only person that ate anything when hunting, lol!
I know I like the food I packed, I’ve been trying different backpack food and drinks for several months getting ready for this trip to see what I liked, and then seeing the replies, thought I had way too much food.
Thanks, I was starting to think I was the only person that ate anything when hunting, lol!
I know I like the food I packed, I’ve been trying different backpack food and drinks for several months getting ready for this trip to see what I liked, and then seeing the replies, thought I had way too much food.
Absolutely and as far as the drink mixes go, if it will make you drink more water take them and use them. Water can be hard to drink after a couple of days and Ive found if it has some flavor its easier to drink. It's the little things while you're out there. It's funny to me because the bull in my profile picture my buddy and I packed in for that hunt. I was like all of these other guys and had this super light weight, high calorie meals planned. My buddy on the other hand packed in the biggest bag of MnM's they sell (the bag with a zip-lock on it), hot chocolate, a 1 liter Cherry Pepsi, licorice and more goodies, plus his daily mountain house and granolas bars and all that. Sitting at camp that night with beat down attitudes, he he pulled that hot chocolate and MnM's out and started into them. Meanwhile I was eating tree bark in shrink wrap. He gave me some MnM's. Ive never tased anything better than those MnM's. It changed the rest of that trip.
Don’t let those guys talk you out of the hot chocolate packets. That’s my favorite drink after dinner while sitting around in the evening. Dessert and hydration all in one.
I am a coffee drinker but always forget to bring hot cocoa and cider for night time. Maybe I’ll actually remember this year
Don't listen to anyone telling you to trade out one item for another just because thats what they pack. The bottom line is that if you like it and you know you will eat it, take it. It doesn't do you any good to pack in food you wont eat just because someone said to. Unlike most of the rest of these people, I pack in quite a bit of food and eat throughout the entire day. As the old saying goes: Better to have and not need than need and not have. If you're hungry hunting gets harder and harder everyday...
Yup, not like there's a Walmart on the trail to pick up more food. LOL
Use what has worked for you in the past. I do think the sugar thing is real problem. Its super easy to get down and it is what the body craves when you are hiking your ass off (unlike trying to eat heavy fats). The fats and proteins are great but harder for the body to process them into what is really needed for fuel. I tend to stick to a high carb, med protein, low fat (unless it is cold). I heard it explained once to think of your fuel/calories as a fire. Every gram of carbs or protein is 4 KJ of energy. Every gram of Fat is 9 KJ of energy. The problem is the carbs are twigs, they burn fast and they're gone with no warm coals left. Protein is your medium size log, burns slower takes longer to start and the coals are decent. Then there is fat, its the big ass log that burns forever, problem is you can't get the damn thing started. Without training (and the right metabolism) fat is very hard to use on command in the backcountry. Sugar processes and is used too fast. I try to stick to granolas, oatmeal, nuts, greenbelly meals, summer sausage, and some dehydrated meals. Again everyone is different but this approach has definitely helped over the years.