Folks we got a winner.....

It's interesting to me that a guy with a differing opinion immediately gets pounded, straight up and quite literally bullied, and then banned by a mod for expressing his opinion about a subject that is discussed from differing view points every single day on here.

If you're offended that he called someone a lib, get over it. @Leinenkugelsfreak called me a "fuggin idiot" just yesterday and you don't see me reporting anybody for it.
A few points to clarify why people get banned.

People don't get banned for the opinions they express. They get banned for how they express those opinions. If everything is about hanging tags and labels on those with different opinions, they aren't going to be of much use in the debates that happen here. If every topic is viewed through the lens of what political team someone plays for, that's a short path to the door on this forum. In the case of this person, if your first day on the forum is nothing but ranting, raving, and telling other members they are dumb AF, I'm not wasting a lot of effort in hopes that new arrival can contribute something useful. We were doing just fine before they showed up and we'll be just fine without them.

Some remember a few former members who could not write a sentence without blaming their bad day on DJT or Ryan Zinke. They got shown the door. Not because of their opinions, but their manner of communicating and instantly railing on anyone who might have voted differently than they did. Not something helpful to the discussions here and not a manner of expression I'm inclined to tolerate. I don't have time for that, but other platforms do. So, they got to move along and Hunt Talk is better off for it.

Diverse opinions are welcome and expected here. Hopefully those opinions get expressed with some degree of maturity.

Then we have those who never contribute anything to the topics of hunting, conservation, wildlife, access, or other important issues that are the purpose of this forum. Yet, when a non-hunting, borderline political thread pops up, such as the Russia-Ukraine thread, it's almost like they are sitting on that thread hitting the refresh button. Those folks who are only here for political commentary and stirring the pot, usually have a much shorter leash than folks who are contributing to the discussions. When they get toasted, they say it was because of who they offended. Nope, they got toasted for the fact that they never contribute anything of value and they push the needle on topics that only stir the pot.

A former guy would post when he was drunk. He went on a rant about a disabled vet who is a regular here. I have no tolerance for ridiculing vets or making fun of their service and the outcomes. He got tossed. He came back under an alias. He got tossed under that alias. Now he hangs out on other forums complaining about HT and its members. Fine, glad to see him gone, even if when sober he was funny and interesting. There are some things that won't be tolerated, whether you're drunk, stoned, or just wanted to be a prick that day. Hacking on vets, bigotry, sexism, racism, will get you out the door, fast.

As for bullying, I get plenty of mod requests from folks who claim they are being "bullied." I look at them and about 75% of them are folks who come to Hunt Talk and think HT members are the same people they can bullshit down at the bar or the coffee shop. The HT crowd, behind these aliases, are some of the most informed, connected, and committed folks in hunting and conservation. They do this stuff as their everyday jobs; kind of the "been there, done that, still doing that" kind of expertise that is valuable to these discussions. Tossing crap on the wall to see what sticks doesn't work well on HT. Most often, the person saying they are being "bullied" is being challenged on the uninformed opinions they threw at the HT wall and hoped would stick. The other 25% of the time, there is some BS being pulled here and when I see it someone gets a PM with a warning to straighten up or leave.

If folks can't express their opinions with some tact and higher than fourth grade communication, they are shown the door over to Facebook. FB rewards the fourth-grade level communication tactics. I don't have any use for it.

I don't hang out on HT all hours of the day. I've got work to do. Often times, Mrs. Fin is logged in under my account and checking on things. When I'm traveling a lot, many things slip by that I don't even see. Eventually, if someone continues to act like an ass, I will see it and make the necessary change.

Lastly, to those who are offended that I don't do what they want when they send a moderation request, I guess you just have to get over that. If I banned everyone who had a moderation request sent about them, there would be no remaining members, including me. I tire of folks who stir the pot and then click the moderation button to say someone is "picking on them." There are some whose moderation requests immediately get rejected, due to their high volume of trivial complaints. And, as evidenced by some folks who are now gone, if I don't moderate your requests the way you want, expect to be shown the door when you send me a profane PM or email with your statements of all I do wrong and what is wrong with this forum.

Hope that helps a bit, though plenty more goes into moderating a forum where adults get to hide behind handles of anonymity.
Just remember I put my vote in for you to be moderator just so you could go hog wild.
I mean no offense at all when I say this. I think this is a grand idea. However, I believe Hopzonefreak's tenure as a moderator would be shorter than mine as a guidance counselor. You can't say your dumb or your stupid as your basis for booting someone apparently you have to have back up your thought process.
Oh wait, maybe if Hopzonefreak and the guy that has all the graphs on here worked in tandem that would help.
Just playing y'all have a Merry Christmas!!
Alright @mtmuleyfreak what would you like to discuss on the topic of the mule deer issues. Vs ruining a decent conversation on how to get the youth involved in the sport.

The floor is yours, eventhough you could just add your thoughts to the other five threads going on about it that people with everything from ranching to wildlife biology masters to fwp wardens and former wardens have already gave their knowledge on.

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