Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Folks we got a winner.....

He deserved what he got. If your first come back is “I’m not an f’n democrat!” well you may need to refine your argument. He reminded me of the landowner in North Dakota that lost his crap for 40 minutes on YouTube 🤷‍♂️
It's interesting to me that a guy with a differing opinion immediately gets pounded, straight up and quite literally bullied, and then banned by a mod for expressing his opinion about a subject that is discussed from differing view points every single day on here.

If you're offended that he called someone a lib, get over it. @Leinenkugelsfreak called me a "fuggin idiot" just yesterday and you don't see me reporting anybody for it.
And for the record I didn't report anybody either..I'd rather give a calf enough rope to hang himself and he was well on his way.
Ok. I start a new job, can't get on here for a few days, what did I miss. Can someone please fill me in.
Nearest I can figure, is some newbie came on and said something, someone got butt hurt about it and got the newbie banned. But I missed it too so what do I know?
Well gee whiz guys and gals.....

I gained some urban vocabulary out of the situation. So I'll take it as a small win.

Liberal leaf lickers don't bully people @geewhiz the guy was on a unrelated thread about youth hunting and spouts off about how the world is ending his mule deer hunting and it's everyone from Bozeman's fault and the NR are ruining it for the world. So, I did what any first round draft pick leaf licking snowflake transplant would do and direct him to another thread to spew his guts for a short 30 minutes of fame. Even though I don't see eye to eye with @FoodIsMemories on things the topic had decent conversation in it.

He engaged 🤷‍♂️. I'm not the bully. As a liberal millennial snowflake its not my fault nothing is..... its everyone else's fault. Or something like that I guess.
I didn't think anything he posted was too bad, let alone bad enough for six users to report him. Stupid? Yes, All day long, but I've seen way worse posted on here. Maybe I'm looking at it from the wrong side of the fence.🤷
I thought the same thing….
I didn't think anything he posted was too bad, let alone bad enough for six users to report him. Stupid? Yes, All day long, but I've seen way worse posted on here. Maybe I'm looking at it from the wrong side of the fence.🤷
Seems like it's more about who you piss off around here than how many.

Lots of sensitive whiners on the web these days that find something to get upset or offended over.

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