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Fisherwoosie wanna be's / Elk guys

Lie Guy

New member
Apr 9, 2002
Have you fishing greats noticed how most of the terms we use the elk guys disparage and it always seems to be sexually related?

Lets analyse some popular hunting terms shall we?

Back Packing my Elk; hmm seems enough said lets try another.

A nice boar ran by and I took him with my gun; This is my rifle this is my gun, one is for shooting the other for fun. So this must be like saying; That gorgeous blonde was flirting with me and I took her on the couch, except this was no blonde and male to boot or bootie as the case may be.

The guys and I all went hunting last weekend; Clever euphamism for, we all played cards and got drunk last weekend. I'll leave the sexual angle to your imagination.

F.A.G; Field and Gun?

As long as we're at it when was the last time more than two of you sheep chasers, that keep hounding us about not getting together, were ever out hunting together. Two doesn't make a group. Why don't you all plan a big BBQ during the next open season you should be able to get it together by then. Just think you could all meet with your 60' motor homes and quad's and play tag around the woods while the game ROTFLTAO.

Lie Guy, If I may, having been a "Fisherwoosie" of sorts and and "Elk Guy" of sorts, I would like to explain the very complicated difference between hunting and fishing.

When you hunt with a gun or a bow, you see the game before you take it. Fishing, you roll the dice and take whatever.

That's in essence, fishing is a blind form of hunting. I wouldn't fish for Marlin in Lake Pleasant, and I wouldn't fish for White Crappie in Cabo San Lucas.

A for your references to "sexual inuendo", I don't see any Elk boys talking about "throwing thier bait" or "soaking a line". As to the excuses for getting drunk and playing cards, every charter I ran for all the years I ran charters, had at least one poker game and I've never seen anyone drink beer like a bunch of bored anglers trolling for Albacore when they aren't biting.

The bottom line says that Fisherwoosies and Elk Boys are about equal when it comes to depravity, sexual deviation, and spousal misdirection.

You can live with that? :D Get real Lie Man, is it not the fisherwoosies who go out with each other every chance they get, or at least that is what you fisherwoosies have led us elk guys to believe. Is this also the reason you chhose fishing, for the long season or for just a season of longs :D
You fisherwoosies really are pathetic in your feeble attemps to drag us elk guys down all the time. We are only commenting on what you woosies write, that's all.

:D :D


Wake up and quit smelling the midol.
We don't need to try and drag you down, its hard to drag someone down who's already lower than we are and in drag to boot.:D
You up there are just jealous because we can do two types of hunting( fish and mammals)and your only stuck with chasing those big a$$ed elk trying to RIDE :eek: them through the forest. ;)

When are you going to come down here and experience the real outdoors, not the ones on CD's on your computer :rolleyes:

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 07-26-2002 08:33: Message edited by: Mntman ]</font>
HAHA You guys talk all you want......

BEcause When We talk about Smelling like fish.. It's because We were with your Wives While you werre in the boat with other men :D :D
We as elk hunters fish..but it is not as important as chasing the mighty furry creatures thru the mountains..Fishing is kind of like a second thing to do when hunting season is not in full swing...They just don't give us as much time to try and limit out on a mammal as they give you fella's to try and catch a fish...So it ends up being more of a loner sport. Unless your on a ranch. It doesn't pay to sit around and swill beer to pass the time between casts..some do. most any more don't...And if I get lucky on the occassional sheep in my travels. Well so be it. At least it beats chopping off the heads of once in a while catchs or your bait and servicing the poor dead beasts. But whatever gets you fella's a going I guess. And what is this other saying or thing you guy's do in the back seat when your doing the 'suck' thing....Do you take turns being the pivot man. Or is it just one of the jobs that you all take happily in stride......I was kind of wondering if you guy's spit or swallowed..LOL...
Two day's and no responce except for a funny from the other elk guy...I must be hitting pretty close to home...Or you guy's are working up to a come back..I know it will probably take another couple of day's to respond...I should give you fella's more time to think about what you could possibly say that we won't slam you...Silence isn't alway's golden....The glove is down..You fella's going to see if it will turn to dirt before an appropriate responce is garnered..ROFLMAO...

You girly boy's are way to funny....
Elk Chastity, "chasing mighty furry creatures through the woods" is that what Moosie meant when he said you guys were chasing our wifes when we were fishing? Less time chasing and more time catching might be useful for you guys also.

I guess it is easy though to catch something you run around with in your hand. :D :D


Is that all you've got:(
I expected more witty banter from you than that.
I see the smell of elk has been gone from your nose too long and it is causing you to halucinate.
BTW, our wives would not let you service them.
They have to much respect for themselves than to let someone who's been with sheep to touch them. I know you were saying this in jest but don't go there any more. We don't go around saying we are coming up there to handle your sheep do we?
You both should get outside more while you still can. Too much time on the computer making posts will make you large in the backside and too lazy to get out and chase down them elk.

That is why you don't see many posts from us fisherwoosies, we are out fishing or enjoying the great outdoors and not simply talking about it on this site.
Lie Guy your post was funnier than shit....

Moosie your just jealous, trying to sneak around and grab some guys wife while he is out fishing.... Need my address?

The elk boys: well You can see for your self LMAO.... Your momma's got a big fat ass!!!!!

You guy's said that your wives are the furry ones. Not us..LMAO!!!!
Well at least your wives are staying consistant by not letting us have any, is this hitting way to close to home...
We don't have the need to hold ourselves, as you fellas would. We have plenty of sheep and your wives to deal with already. Actually with all of the time you girls spend fishing and away from the house. There would be no time for us to actually go there. Your alway's home...LMAO....Are we planning any fishing trips any time soon??? For those that are challenged on this question. I am actually refering to you "fellas"......