Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

First Successful Bear Hunt

The Dude

New member
Feb 2, 2013
My first year of spring bear hunting was a big success. I am twelve and it was my first season. I learned that there are ups and downs and that you don’t get something every single hunt. Hunting is not an easy sport. Whether you get an animal or not depends strongly on luck and how hard you try. The weather kept us out a couple times. I went on a total of six bear hunts this year and only saw two very small bears and the one that I shot.

I was not totally in shape for the last hunt. It seemed that we had hiked forever before we got even close to our destination. Before we got there the bear stepped out of the timber. We decided to go straight for him instead of waiting. It was ultimately the right choice! We tried to make a stalk using the wind and terrain to our advantage. We passed over many bumps on the hillside and started to think the bear was gone. We heard a noise and looked up hill. The bear fed on grass, totally oblivious of me and my dad. I couldn’t get a solid rest on my backpack, as we had left the bipod at home. I shot in a very awkward position. I hit the bear and jacked another shell into the chamber immediately. I shot again and the bear ran behind a tree and sat. I sprinted up the hill and waited for another clean shot. I shot off hand and hit him in the shoulders. It was a good hit and the bear slid down the hill. I looked at the downed bear then turned and gave my dad the thumbs up.

It rained and poured while we skinned and boned it out. We walked out in the dark with many breaks. I was exhausted the whole way. I could barely keep my eyes open! When we finally got to the car I was covered in mud and soaked. Hunting is hard. But the work is definitely worth the reward. I will never forget my first successful bear hunt.



congrats Dude. nicely done. give your teacher a thumbs up, also.
Congrats Dude!
The best ones are the ones you earn! Sounds like you and your dad earned that one.
Good job!
I'm sure that will be one of many. Congrats
Wow! Great first bear. Congrats to the two of you. Looking forward to maybe a monster antelope pic this fall.
Congratulations Tyler! Sounds like you definitely earned your trophy. Thanks for writing up your hunt for us.
Congrats young man. I would say you earned that trophy. I'm sure it's not going to be that last time we read a story from you. Thanks for sharing your adventure.
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You left the part out about stashing your muddy pants in the trunk and riding home in the car in your underwear.
Congrats to both of you. I am sure there were some big smiles on both faces
Congratulations on your first bear! Putting in that extra effort payed off big time. There's a good life lesson for you there.
way to go dude, that is a great hunt that you shared with us, and i'm sure there will be many more to come. the paws on that bear are huge, congrats on a hard earned bear!!