First Successful Bear Hunt

Great bear and excellent story, T-man. How fitting that you and your Dad would have such a great hunt on Father's Day weekend. I suspect Dad was as excited as you were, if not more so. Congratulations.
Congrats Dude, great looking bear. The rest break picture is awesome
Thumbs up on the bear and great write up on the story. Are you sure you are only twelve. Good job
Dude! Great way to Git er Done! Now remember to keep count of these Father/Son hunts so when Kurt is a tired ol Man you can do some Son/Father hunts! LOL Congrats! John
Congrats on the successful hunt!

congrats Dude. nicely done. give your teacher a thumbs up, also.

+1. I'm even more impressed with how well your story was written, better than most I read on the internet. It's nice to read well organized posts from articulate people every once and a while.
How fitting that you and your Dad would have such a great hunt on Father's Day weekend. I suspect Dad was as excited as you were, if not more so.

Exactly my first thought. I'd take that over breakfast in bed anytime.

A big black shaggy one like that is way up on my hit list, great bear.

Congrats dude, you've already worked harder for an animal than 90% of hunters ever will.
Wow . . . that's a great bear and a good story. You certainly earned that trophy.
Awesome job Tyler! Great job telling the story and even better job for sticking it through to the end. Hard work will always pay off. Sometimes it won't repay right away, but it always will!

Beautiful bear too man, you can be proud of that one!

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