First Season Moon- rant on


Dec 29, 2002
I posted on another bowsite but, does anyone consider the colorado DOW putting the first limited rifle season in the middle of a full moon phase a direct middle finger invitation? :MAD :MAD :MAD Harley can chip in here.

The idea of another limited season was to to kill more chit right? so why put the season in the middle of a full moon phase which is a week or two later in the month than last year?

Now add in crunchy snow and illegal vehicle/ATV use and call it a spoiled hunt. Nothing is worse than hiking in a couple miles in 6"+ snow to find a quad has come in illegally on a closed logging road and went joy riding around the area you wanted to hunt right. |oo |oo |oo |oo |oo |oo |oo |oo

Sorry I had to vent and could go on some more, but I mainly wanted to get a take on the scheduling during a full moon. Still had a good time and wouldn't give up hunting for a week at work or a sharp stick in the eye.
dude, your hunting with a rifle... try hunting a full moon with a bow. No sympathy from me.
schmalts said:
dude, your hunting with a rifle... try hunting a full moon with a bow. No sympathy from me.

I was more upset with the season being moved up a week and the quad monkeys than the moon. I would've loved to have even HEARD an elk.
Schmalts, it was a 5 day season...the nights looked like a lighted parking lot...but hey, dude, I'm impressed you use a bow. :cool:

Dude, I think hunting by moon light is illegal even if you have 30 days to do it.

I guess you're also ok with illegal tresspass?

Hell in wisconsin you ought to be able to just fire in the air at random and hit either a deer or wolf.
What the hell are you talking about?? I meant try hunting during a full moon with a bow and you would stop your whining about how hard it is to kill an elk with a rifle.
I dont think anyone will give you ant sympathy here, even more so with your attitude. Oh, wait a minute... i see your from Texas, now that i know that i do have sympathy for you, during a full moon Elk stay further off the ROAD LOL
What, the DOW is supposed to cancle all seasons that fall on a full moon? Why didnt you have enough insight to not apply or want to hunt a season that fell on a full moon? Next year do a little more research.
Let me guess, the elk vanish when the moon is full? You frikkin crybaby. This reminds me of why I don't go to those public comment FWP meetings anymore, have to listen to this kind of retarded pissing and moaning.
Yep we're both from Texas but you knew that when you posted your first denigrating reply didn't you schmalts? The chorus of know-it-alls will now commence.
Now this year was the first year in many that opener didn't have a full moon. It is a fact of nature and whether you like it or not, a full moon is going to happen. The elk are still there during a full moon, it may make your hunting a little harder, but the elk are still there. Snow is another factor of nature, and believe it or not, there will still be snow hitting the hills in the future. I am more interested in what you did about the illeagal ATVs in the area. I have hunted int the same area here in Wyoming since 1990 and we have had a problem with ATVs also at times. The elk were stil there. I have gotten several elk, as have a lot of people hunting the same area as me, and ATVs were there, just makes hunting a little harder. In the past 10 years I have had to deal with snow, both cruncy and soft, ATVs and a full moon. It is something you will just have to deal with.
Elkmtb said:
Dude, I think hunting by moon light is illegal even if you have 30 days to do it.

The above is called sarcasm.

and yes common sense would say the DOW shouldn't schedule a limited season (5 day extra season because you want more elk killed) during a full moon phase. Yeah I leaned a lesson the hard way.

If I wanted an easy hunt I could shoot a deer any weekend. It's just frustrating To hunt your ass off only to find someone came up the back way illegally and tore the place apart. I'm still a rookie in elk terms, but I'm trying to do it right. Eating tag soup is part of elk hunting more often than not. But that doesn't mean a combination of stupid things don't bother you.
elkhunter I never saw the actual infractions taking place or I would have reported it. This is the first year I've seen evidence of this type of behaviour in this area so hopefully they will move on. Others said they knew who was doing it and reported it only to be ignored by G&F.
I don't know why you keep calling it an "extra" season. It's been around a long time. They recently added an "extra" season in November. Like Schmalts said, if you didn't want to hunt during the full moon, why did you apply for that season? Why don't you go look at the guidelines the DOW uses for setting season dates. You'll see that they don't say anything about the moon phases, and they didn't just randomly decide to move the dates back a week this year.

Thanks for spending your money in CO.

Elkmtb, vent all you want, that is what this place is all about. With it you may find sarcasm or sypathy, that is the Internet. I feel your suffering, but I have also been in the same situations, and that is life. If you knew the ATVs were in there illeagally, you could have made it very hard for them to get back out in a # of ways.
First of all, Elkhunter, you're right. Secondly, I defer to the obvious expertise of Greenhorn but Greeny, your and Schmalts's attitude can kiss my Texas ass. We can tit for tat as long as you like. My stupidity on elk is self-ackknowledged, your self-important pomposity knows no bounds
elk just move earlier with the full moon fases. just have to find them while it is still dark and follow them til the sun comes up. moon fases are just a minor problem in the whole scheme of things. you did the hardest part of getting a tag.
Here's some information on how the DOW decides when the seasons start. It's been this way for at least the last 11 years. Anyone that's hunted in Colorado for more than a couple of years is well aware that every 5-6 years the season dates "jump" forward a week, solely because of "B" below. The biologists didn't just randomly decide this year to move the seasons back a week. So this also means season dates are already set through 2009. Look them up, get out your astrological chart and figure out which season works best for you next year.:rolleyes:

Parameters for season dates
The Wildlife Commission will continue to utilize the following guidelines in development of the big game season structure for the years 2005-2009:

A. Female animals are not hunted earlier than the last week of August.

B. Regular rifle seasons begin no earlier than the first Saturday after October 9.

C. Regular rifle seasons do not extend beyond mid-November.

It isn't the DOW at all. This kind of typical whining is annoying. It gets old. Don't expect sympathy from everybody.

If you really believe the moon phase makes jack shit difference in an elk hunt, pay attention to the season dates you apply for. If ATVs bother you, pick a place to hunt whre there are no roads and few trails so I don't have to worry about ATV circling gates and screwing up your hunt.
Thanks for all your helpful advice GH...just the kind of smug jackshit arrogant post anyone could benefit from.
Get over your badass-self tough's even more annoying.
does anyone consider the colorado DOW putting the first limited rifle season in the middle of a full moon phase a direct middle finger invitation?
Damn straight, I would boycott that mismanaged state.
Elk are easier to hunt during a full moon. You just gotta know how to do it. But a full moon is as good an excuse for not getting an elk as any of the other ones we hear.......... The elk are up high this year, the elk are down low this year, the weather is too warm, there's too many flies, there's wolves all over the place, ATVs are all over the place, we need rain, we need snow, it's too cold, DOW has been bombing the elk herds with cherry bombs to make them scatter, DOW doesn't know jack shit about setting seasons, it's too dry, etc.

How about everybody listing some of your favorite excuses for not getting an elk? :D
"I guess you're also ok with illegal tresspass?

Hell in wisconsin you ought to be able to just fire in the air at random and hit either a deer or wolf"

WHo brought on the state specific sarcaasm first?? I just took it to the next level.
Hey, i am sorry you didnt get an elk. But.... i can see your gripe about the fat asses ATV guys, but the moon thing don't fly for sympathy. I always look at the moon when i am planning a trip. I know it changes things and this year i actually planned my hunt DURING a full moon to use it to my advantage. I was going into a new place (and state) and figured that the night time frenzy could help me locate them. Hell the first morning i was hiking at 3am working in on the bulls and then slept under the stars for a few hours once i got close waiting for morning. But yes, normally i will avoid the moon if possible.
The dow could care less when the moon is, they only have 3 out of 4 weeks to play with if they did worry about it, and they don't. Next year check the moon phase before you apply for your hunts. and i hoped you turned the ATVers into the DOW, or at least helped them fill up thier fuel tanks since the gas prices are a little high, i hear that ATV's run great on premium sand.
Sorry again for your tag soup... but I didnt score either this year but i had a hell of a hunt anyway.