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First Duck



How should I cook it? I'm thinking it's a black duck or younger female Mallard.
Did you pluck it or breast it out?

If you shot in Wyoming it's very unlikely to be a black duck. While wing bars above and below speculum would rule out Black duck.
We shot some Mallards in SD last week, picked and breasted out. Pan fried a few last night with garlic powder, salt and pepper. Sear meat side and cook on skin side until about 130 degrees pull and let rest for a few minutes. Really good!
@rwc if you care too scroll through the plate em up thread I have a bunch of duck breast pictures in there all simple cooking method.
For one mallard I would pluck it and roast it whole wither in the oven or indirect on the weber. Hot and fast, not more than 130 as mentioned above. I've done a lot of them with the recipe below.

I just cooked one up last night in a pan with butter. It was really good. Or bacon wrap the breasts.
Pluck it, stuff with cherries or pineapple. I prefer cherries. Dump remaining juice from said fruit in Dutch oven with breast down. Add two sticks of butter and minced garlic. Put in oven at around 200 to 225. Baste every 45 min to an hour until you push on it and it almost falls off the bone. Usually around 5 to 6 hours on mallards.

Kill more ducks and repeat.
Didn't get that crispy skin that drove me to buy a duck stamp, but it was still damn good.
After you pluck the bird and breast it out, put the breast on a cooling rack in the fridge skin side up. Let the skin get dry, like over night dry. Then when prepping your breasts score the skin season place skin side down in a screaming hot cast iron pan. Two thirds of the cooking time is skin side down.
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