First Deer and Elk.. done before noon

The Hedgehog

Well-known member
Dec 19, 2000
My girlfriend had one weekend to hunt and it couldn't have went better. She stayed calm, shot well, and had a unusual dose of good luck. Her guide, Pat, couldn't have done a better job getting into position, keeping her calm and setting her up for a good shot. His hunting area is second to none and it was more than a little exciting to just tag along and watch. The mule deer action was unreal. She took "Scabby", a local legend and genetic throwback with an attitude problem. He had the ability to scare off record caliber bucks during the rut. Scabby was in full rut, and we sat at 65 yards for a couple minutes while this beast tended to a couple does. Big, old and dominant mule deer are the most impressive of big game animals - and Scabby had all of that!



Very nice two fer. That buck looks great.

Glad that you all allowed Scabby to go out with a bang, so to speak, and an opportunity to pass along those winner genes for the last time.
Breaks Runner would know. I think he said he's been hanging around for a couple years, similar antlers. Bad genes.. It was just an awesome experience. She is hooked for life, thanks to Pat. Only bad thing is, now she wants a rifle... just like his.
That buck has character... and thats all that matters in my book.

I went down this same road last year... it gets expensive real quick, but worth every penny to have a hunting partner that you can count on.
Way cool buck. Any gal that will pose for an entrail hero shot is a keeper. No pun intended.
Very cool, congrats to all involved. She looks just a tad bit excited in those pics.
Did your girlfriend and Breaksrunner call each other about wearing matching toques that day?:D

Sweet buck, she will be ruint now.