FIBULA breaks. Tell me some good news

I went in today after 25 days since the break. They took off the cast and took xrays. Then kicked me in the nuts and told me I need surgery Tuesday to fix it properly. No words to describe the level of pissed off right now.

Man, sorry to hear it.
There's chemicals in the pineapple that speed the healing process. Vito took it to (Ingomar) when he broke his foot. He healed fast. You could send him a PM. The University of Montana Football teams Doctor was the one that told me about it. I think he said the Bromelain in the pineapple is what does it. Not necessarily the because of the chemical it'self but because it may help other healing agents do their job.

My kids buddy broke his foot in football camp in late June. He was really bummed because the doctor told him there would be no way he would be ready to play again until October. Missing most of the season and practice. He took the pineapple and was ready to go by the end of August.
I think too much pineapple can lower your blood pressure though.
Another thing. Be sure to go to the PT as often as possible. They wanted me to go twice a week and I said no, I wanted to come 3 times a week. The PT's told me that most patients do not come in as often as they should. They also had me icing it at least 3 times a day for 15-20 minutes. Shoots Straight is right about it being bromelain but it also has manganese? Google the healing properties of pineapple for a better explanation.
I went in today after 25 days since the break. They took off the cast and took xrays. Then kicked me in the nuts and told me I need surgery Tuesday to fix it properly. No words to describe the level of pissed off right now.

Dang that sucks. Good luck man.
If you buy the brace, get the model that says "speed lace", saves lots of time.
Seriously question your doctor if they recommend NSAID's during healing. Narco's, Ultram and tylenol for pain management.
That is real bad luck, but, what's the rush?
Surely better to let it heal slowly and properly than risk a long term problem?
If it were me i would get all the PT i can, and see where i am in a few weeks time, there is always next year.
But then again, i'm not you.
Speedy recovery anyway.
Sorry to hear that. If you would have had the operation right away, you would have been on the way to recovery.

That statement doesn't make you feel any better.
It looks like at the very least you will need some screws to stabilize that fracture. You may also get a plate for added stability. The good news is with the addition of hardware you will heal faster. The screws will pull the fracture together and create compression between the bone surfaces. Bone heals best with compression. Also if you are a smoker, you should stop until you are fully healed. Bone needs good blood flow to heal and smoking constricts the blood vessels in your body decreasing blood flow. I would get into the ortho surgeon as soon as possible to get that taken care of and accelerate your healing process.

Got it done today. 8 screws and a plate is what the anesthesia doc told me, I didn't see x-rays though. Thanks for the phone call with you concerns that the first Doc was a crock. The hardest part now is staying off it long enough. I'm ready to go now!
Half a pineapple a day... yea right..... Well I went to the doc for my 5 week after surgery check up and x-rays and he said I am ahead of schedule by 2 weeks! The pineapple works I guess. He said in the next 4 weeks I will wear a boot and go from 10% load bearing to 100% by the 4th week. I didn't tell him I have been walking with 100% on it for over a week, maybe I should maybe not. I was wearing out the heel of my cast so I put my cast in the walking boot and away I went. I think most docs give you a general recovery time and don't take in account your health and normal physical activity. Now PT twice a week for a month to get that ankle moving and strong again. I told him I was going elk hunting in less than 3 weeks, he smiled and said "you will be ready" Meaning he knew I was going and since I was ahead of schedule my activity will act as PT in itself. I mentioned taking out the screws and plate later this year and he said he won't do it unless I have problems first and most times it stays put. Now I wish when I bought my new Lowas last fall I stayed with the tall sheep hunters instead of the Tibets. That extra support would have been nice.
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