Caribou Gear

FIBULA breaks. Tell me some good news

The aqua jogging may help a great deal. Your mind is hard wired to not use those muscles after an injury. You will be reprogramming them just to work. After that the muscle will come. Eight weeks is pushing it for sure but its possible that a determinned person in reasonable shape at 75% is better than half of the newbies out there this fall.
just curios how you accomplished this feat? was it worth whatever you were doing??

I wish I had a good story, and should lie and say I was doing a knarly rocky downhill and crashed, or that I didn't land right after a big jump. Truth is I was doing a technical climb up a rooty step and didn't make it. So I turned around to do a "do over" and tried again. This time I had too much determination and didn't give up. I stood the bike up and was going over backwards and my shoe for some reason didn't unclip from the pedal and the bike took my foot somewhere it didn't want to go. I heard the bone snap...
I couldn't move my ankle immediately and swelling started right away. I was able to stand, so I got on my bike and rode 2 miles back to the car. A couple times my shoe clipped back in and I had to grab a tree and stop and my buddy twisted my foot back out of the pedal.
Man, sounds terrible. Hope you make enough of a recovery to get some hunting in this fall. On the positive side, you have reinforced my decision to only use platform pedals.
Broke mine about 12 weeks ago, and just did around 16 miles with a 40 lb. pack this weekend. Had the boot on for 4 weeks, and started walking and hitting the elliptical hard when that came off. Got clearance to start hiking at 8 weeks, and could knock out 5-6 slow miles right away, albeit with fairly significant pain. PT is essential, and don't rush it. My ankles are stronger than they've ever been, which is a nice benefit of the PT. Had I spent more time exercising and less time slamming IPA and feeling sorry for myself while the boot was on I'd probably be a few weeks ahead of where I am now.
I feel your pain. First of April had a torn Meniscus repaired in my left knee. IN a week or two going to have a right shoulder rotator cuff and tendon repaired. Not looking good for me either. Doctor said it's bad to fall with a fresh repaired shoulder. Has seen many folks re-injure and have to do surgery again. Dang. But me doctor I have cat like reflexes! Last fall getting down to my elk I went down hard with a heavy pack on . Landed right on about a 6" stump top on my lower left ribs that was buried under about 12" of snow. Broke two ribs on my left side. Ouch hurt. Almost was put down then. Not sure what will happen after this latest surgery!

Broke mine about 12 weeks ago, and just did around 16 miles with a 40 lb. pack this weekend. Had the boot on for 4 weeks, and started walking and hitting the elliptical hard when that came off. Got clearance to start hiking at 8 weeks, and could knock out 5-6 slow miles right away, albeit with fairly significant pain. PT is essential, and don't rush it. My ankles are stronger than they've ever been, which is a nice benefit of the PT. Had I spent more time exercising and less time slamming IPA and feeling sorry for myself while the boot was on I'd probably be a few weeks ahead of where I am now.

That's stuff I want to hear. I have not seen the Ortho guy yet, but he did look at the X-rays that the ER took and said that more than likely I will need a plate put in to heal. Too much misalignment and too close to the ankle and a lot of movement. I am trying to stay positive and think that if surgery makes it heal faster that is a good thing, but I may be wrong in thinking that

I wish I had a good story, and should lie and say I was doing a knarly rocky downhill and crashed, or that I didn't land right after a big jump. Truth is I was doing a technical climb up a rooty step and didn't make it. So I turned around to do a "do over" and tried again. This time I had too much determination and didn't give up. I stood the bike up and was going over backwards and my shoe for some reason didn't unclip from the pedal and the bike took my foot somewhere it didn't want to go. I heard the bone snap...
I couldn't move my ankle immediately and swelling started right away. I was able to stand, so I got on my bike and rode 2 miles back to the car. A couple times my shoe clipped back in and I had to grab a tree and stop and my buddy twisted my foot back out of the pedal.

That sucks. I hope you are back up and ready to role for October. At least you had someone with you.

I did this over my lunch break about a month ago, 6 miles from work, and about 2 miles from the nearest road. I have ridden the trail a few times since, and cannot find what grabbed my front wheel and bucked me. I was really lucky, and just had to endure the walk back to work carrying my bike, luckily some guy offered me a ride once I got to the road. I spent about 10 minutes of trying to straighten the wheel back out, to see if I could ride it back, no luck.
As one who broke both ankles just below where you did,I would not over do it.
I told the doc who wanted to cast them both I had 2 houses to finish building ,with fiberglass for a week till I could not stand it or get around a job. So I cut them off and wrapped them & wore my hiking boots tied tight.
Big mistake. I got the houses built carrying a 40#+ nailbags all day.Up & down ladders,walking plates& rafters,with a pile of 2x4's in a hand ....Dumb he-man style.
I have had ankle problems since.
I took surgeons & therapists advise when I had ortho on knees and they are better than ever.
Many year of football including at the collegiate level, crazy shit on skis and snowboards and the only concussion I've ever had was coming out of a single track onto a fire road. Would rate a 0 is far as technical and I just lost it and went over the bars straight to my forehead. The first memory of the day was waking up in a ct-scan machine.
Sorry about your luck!

You may want to look into taking Turmeric supplements to help fight the inflammation. I've been getting some good results with it.

Heal fast and well.

That's stuff I want to hear. I have not seen the Ortho guy yet, but he did look at the X-rays that the ER took and said that more than likely I will need a plate put in to heal. Too much misalignment and too close to the ankle and a lot of movement. I am trying to stay positive and think that if surgery makes it heal faster that is a good thing, but I may be wrong in thinking that

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It looks like at the very least you will need some screws to stabilize that fracture. You may also get a plate for added stability. The good news is with the addition of hardware you will heal faster. The screws will pull the fracture together and create compression between the bone surfaces. Bone heals best with compression. Also if you are a smoker, you should stop until you are fully healed. Bone needs good blood flow to heal and smoking constricts the blood vessels in your body decreasing blood flow. I would get into the ortho surgeon as soon as possible to get that taken care of and accelerate your healing process.
I shattered a collar bone on my road bike. I was lucky that day. The ortho doc on call that day was a knee and shoulder guy. He said my break was the worst he had seen in few years and that it will likely require surgery. We could try the normal route, but in all likelihood 6 months down the road the bone would be rebroken and then a plate put in. He had an opening that night and I took the surgery route. I was pretty mobile in a few weeks and mostly healed in 8 weeks.

If they are talking surgery and you agree, get to it asap. The real healing won't begin until that bone is fully stable and it should reduce the time for the the bone to heal, joint mobility may be a different story.

I have sprained the same injured shoulder twice since, but that titanium bone just won't break anymore.

Good luck.
Schmaltz, if it helps, Hedley the Wales defensemen (playing versus Portugal today in the UEFA Euro semifinal match) broke his femur 8 weeks ago, and while he never played the full time of a match he played as if there was no issues.

Get someone who knows what they are doing, that's a pretty sweet fracture you are sporting there.
Here's the deal, and it works. You eat half a Pine Apple a day for the duration of your healing process. It usually takes a lot less time than normal. If you do it your going to amaze your Doc. Trust me, it works.
Bummer. Take your time early to let it heal and get well, then you can tough it out later when things are solid. To me, eight weeks is pushing it for loaded hiking, but 12 is more reasonable.
I went in today after 25 days since the break. They took off the cast and took xrays. Then kicked me in the nuts and told me I need surgery Tuesday to fix it properly. No words to describe the level of pissed off right now.
Broke my lower bone near the ankle, had surgery and they put in a plate in mid July a few years ago. Out of the boot in 4 weeks, walking in regular shoes/hiking boots @ 5 weeks. Started hiking hills again on the 6th week and hunting on 9th week. Carried over 80# of elk at 12 weeks. Shoots Straight told me the same thing about pineapple and it works! At my 8 week checkup, dr. could not even see the break and figured I was 3-5 weeks ahead of schedule. Do all the exercises the PT recommends and I was aggressive with pushing the exercises. When the boot came off, found it helped to sit in a rocking chair with my shoes off and rock with the injured foot, seemed to help loosen it up. PT had me buy an ASO brace and told me to wear it for a year when in the woods. It really works well. You can be ready for hunting season. GOOD LUCK AND STAY POSITIVE.
I killed my best WT with a cast on my left leg. I took my crutches with me up the hill.
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