Caribou Gear

Feedback on the Leupold RX 1000i TBR?


New member
Dec 23, 2014
North Idaho
...does any one have any experience with this rangefinder? good experiences or bad?

Cabelas has them on sale for $100 off right now, and I am super tempted to order one, but don't have much experience with range finders.
The 1000 is great. Been using them for three years. The 1200 is even better than the 1000. Go to Predator Optics at the top of this forum banner and that price still might be better than $100 off at Cabelas.
The 1000 is great. Been using them for three years. The 1200 is even better than the 1000. Go to Predator Optics at the top of this forum banner and that price still might be better than $100 off at Cabelas.

...absolutely this.
I've used it a few years and really like it! I use it for both rifle and archery. Archery is awesome because it calculates your "real" distance to target based on your angle, uphill or downhill shot. Rifle has same options. Check out the Leica though before you buy, might be worth saving a little more for it.
I personally have a leica now, but borrowed a leupold frim a friend. It was the 1000 model similar to what is on sale. I did not find them to be to usual leupold standards. I found the screen to be cluttered, I prefer just the sight box and yardage. I had trouble ranging pronghorn over 300 yards also. Looked at another chat forum and these were common complaints. For the money, bushnell and nikon have better reviews and for a little more you can buy a leica that will range pronhorn almost to 700. Before any of you fuss at me I am sure you are happy with yours, I was not. Also I don't shoot much past 300 yards but longer diatances are nice to range rocks or fenceposts when planning a stalk. Sorry to all that will be disagreeing with me, but leupold rangdfinders are the turd in the punchbowl at leupold. Other than that I only but leupold.
If are hunting steep terrain then get one that tells you adjusted yardage. A 400 yard shot might drop like a 250 yard. Windage will still be over the 400 yards. I use a template on gun stock for my ammo characteristics in wind, temperature, etc. With template and the right range finder then you are ahead of most hunters out West when you settle in for the shot. Toss a jacket over your head and scope if a prone shot and your pupil will enlarge resulting in a crisper view. Breath out slowly as ease trigger back. Easy breezey.
I have the previous version, the RX IV. My buddy liked it so well, he wanted to buy one, but they came out with the RXi 1000 TBR and he bought one. I had a chance to try it out and its even better than my RX IV. I especially like the smaller size than mine. I have ranged animals out to 885 yards over a tripod. Buy it. You won't be sorry.

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