Federal BOR-LOC 270 copper vs 350 lead for Elk


Mar 3, 2021
If you was shooting a elk which bullet do you prefer, using 95 grains Blachorn 209 and a 150 yd shot.
I'm a copper guy all the way. If you look up some of my ML threads from last summer and fall you will see that my friend and I had exceptional success and performance with the solid copper Bor Locs.

Having shot a few elk and seen a few shot, I am convinced that a bullet that stays together and penetrates is priority number 1. The solid coppers do that. Not to mention lead fragmentation is a real thing and for me my top priority for chasing elk is meat and I don't want to eat lead fragments. I realize there is some debate about how harmful ingesting lead fragments really is, but all things being equal I don't want to eat it.

Good luck!
I have to use lead only in Idaho. I would use copper if I had the option. I can tell you that within 100yrds 295gr lead power belts do a good job. I would expect that 270gr copper would work. I picked up a few of the bor-loks to try out. I pulled a deer tag this year so we'll see how that goes.
I have to use lead only in Idaho. I would use copper if I had the option. I can tell you that within 100yrds 295gr lead power belts do a good job. I would expect that 270gr copper would work. I picked up a few of the bor-loks to try out. I pulled a deer tag this year so we'll see how that goes.
Why lead only?
I know you weren’t asking me, but I’ve had very good luck at 100yds with 90 grain (volume) BH209 with the 270s.

EABCO rear peep/rail setup with the front fiber optic that came with my CVA Accura. Happy enough to where I superglued everything in place, so I sure hope it works out well!
Mine shot good in my T/C Encore with 100 grains pyrodex. Didn’t hit much bone with this shot at 21 yds and he dropped after an adrenaline laden 53 yard dash. I will continue to use the Federal Bore Loc MZs for all my muzzleloader needs now until they disappoint me. Happy hunting! fuD466DADC-1371-44A1-AAE8-00B80CD5181C.jpegrfishngame
Awesome. I used the 270’s on a mule deer last week with great results as well- shot was sharply quartering-to, although only at about 50 yards so wasn’t much for distance.

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