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A skunk will not bother you. I would walk do a grass air stip in the dark to my stand and see little white things moving out of my way. Now if you get one who sneaks into your tent at night that will be a different story in the morning LOL
Best of luck Dustin.

I did an 8 day solo in some rugged wilderness area. The first couple days were the worst for me. When I got beat physically I found myself getting down and out. A hot drink and some tunes and a field journal help. Mid day naps are requisite.

I'm guessing you'll have some human contact up there in the general season. Best of luck.

In the steep stuff I fear boulder/rock movement. Nothing like hopping through car sized boulders and have one start sliding.
A skunk will not bother you. I would walk do a grass air stip in the dark to my stand and see little white things moving out of my way. Now if you get one who sneaks into your tent at night that will be a different story in the morning LOL

Back when I lived in Prescott AZ, a friend and I decided to spend Thanksgiving backpacking. He had some bratwurst and red potatoes(our Thanksgiving dinner) stashed in his pack. Night before Thanksgiving, I open my eyes and I'm literally nose to nose with a skunk. I don't move a muscle, and silently curse myself for not bringing a tent.

About 30 seconds after the skunk circles me, sniffing every inch, I hear my buddy scream, "SKUNK!"

Apparently the skunk found the brats and potatoes buried in his pack, that he left laying outside his tent. Unwilling to give up our dinner, my buddy gave chase. He saved 1 and 3/4's brats and 3 tiny red potatoes. Needless to say, we ate our meager Thanksgiving dinner, sipped Old Crow whiskey, and tried to figure out how to get the stink off my buddy.
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A broken lower limb is my greatest concern. All others are far down the list.
Well, I was doing pretty good with my fear until last year. Put my pack down after 2 days in the Bob and lay on a cliff edge and watch a few elk below getting ready to bed. There was a light blanket of snow on the ground. When i went back the 20 yards to my pack I found cat tracks about 10 feet from me. it followed my tracks then circled my pack twice then it came towards me for a few feet then left. It's tracks when he turned and left weren't running so I don't think it was around when I got up and spooked him. I think it was just curious. Scared the hell out of me though. I left the area in search for better hunting grounds.
In Indiana its an easy one. . .tweaked out methheads and hung over rednecks on opening day of shotgun season.:D
anywhere else. . .bears, snakes, and cow moose.
Guess I'm just stupid. Not really AFRAID of a whole lot. Maybe it would be different living somewhere else. Got turned around once in the mountains but had an idea where I was the whole time so I didn't panic and just headed to where I knew a road was to regain my bearings.
Pretty easy.

My biggest fear is no fat chicks in the local camp ground. A man has to know his limitations.
First elk hunt ever 5 years ago I got between a black bear and her cubs one day and the following day came face to face with a mtn lion at 25 yards while archery hunting in grand Mesa. While both had the pucker factor on high, the cat was the worst as it started stalking and then it got dark with a 1500 ft mile long pull ahead of me. The bear wanted nothing to do with me. The cat looked so curious and fearless. I will be back in that same spot in 10 days......and hunting with a buddy
That is some pretty steep country! How are you staying in touch ie. spot, satellite phone?
Definitely breaking my leg. I carry a plb.

I'm probably not as afraid of grizzly bears as I should be.

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