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Fat guy running a 10k


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2003
red river of the north
I just signed up for my first 10k. The last time I ran six consecutive miles was... never.

Since Feb. 1 I am down about 17 lbs and I've been working out 3-5 days a week, every week. I've also found that since I started exercising I am much more conscious about what I eat (I get food guilt if I eat like crap and there fore undoing a perfectly good workout in my head). Although I look and feel better now than I did a couple of months ago, I still have about 20 lbs to go. I don't have a "desired" weight... but for once in my life I'd like to not have muffin tops.

Anyone else started getting in shape for 2013?
Fat boy slim shooting for first marathon fall 2013...others might call it attempted suicide
Good for you!
Just remember, "If it tastes good, spit it out!!"

I just signed up for my first 10k. The last time I ran six consecutive miles was... never.

Since Feb. 1 I am down about 17 lbs and I've been working out 3-5 days a week, every week. I've also found that since I started exercising I am much more conscious about what I eat (I get food guilt if I eat like crap and there fore undoing a perfectly good workout in my head). Although I look and feel better now than I did a couple of months ago, I still have about 20 lbs to go. I don't have a "desired" weight... but for once in my life I'd like to not have muffin tops.

Anyone else started getting in shape for 2013?
Kudos to you smalls. (If you are running Fargo, I'll see you there!)

I'll be running a marathon there in less than 3 weeks (8th).

I am "lean and mean" so I don't have a weight issue. I am in shape at 47 years young and work hard at it.

I eat "healthy". But my idea of healthy is balanced with meat, grains, fruit/veggies. I stay away from most processed foods (other than the venison sausage I make myself). For me, food is fuel. I only put quality fuel into my tank. Since I run a ton of miles, I eat plenty of protein for muscle repair. (Venison, chicken, lean red meat, etc) and have some latitude when it comes to pizza, beer, brats, etc.
Good job, keep it up. It does get a little addictive though.

2011 my goal was to finish 6 miles in under an hour and I made it. Didn't run a race, just on my own. Total mileage for the year was 262.3 miles.

2012 decided to step it up and run a half marathon in under 2 hours. That was a big step up, but I was able to pull it off. I ended up running another half marathon later in the year and kept going with the running stuff. Total mileage for 2012 was 1,357.3 for an average of 26 miles a week.

2013 and I'm running my first marathon on Sunday. Shooting for 3 hours and 50 minutes, but I'll be very happy just keeping it under 4 hours.

I've lost 45 lbs over the last 2 years and am lighter than any time since my freshman year of college and I grew 2 inches that year so I doubt I'm going to ever be lighter than that. Still not your typical runner at 6'2" and 200 lbs though.

I've been using an online log to keep track of my mileage and stuff. So far in 2013 I've run 116 days in a row (I didn't run January 1st and 2nd, but I've run everyday since), total mileage in 2013 so far is 925.3 miles for an average right at 8 miles a day, and a little over 55 miles a week. Starting to get to be a time commitment at this mileage.

My next goal is to run a 10K faster than my age (45 years old). Not sure if I can pull it off or not, but I'm going to try to get it done this year.
I'm on the forced health regiment called the ARMY. I do plenty on my own but it always helps motivate you knowing that PT tests are coming up. At 44, I'm not the first one in on the runs any more but I like to beat as many of the young guys as I can so that I can rub it in their faces later. lol. Congrats on your efforts and keep it up. If you want to do runs that are more fun and challenging, look into Warrior Dash, Tough Mudder's, or Spartan Races......Those throw in obsticals and mudd along the way. It may seem like it's a lot harder but I like how it breaks things up along the route!
I went shopping for a new pair of running shoes the other day as I need to get back to it. The lady did some analysis on my feet (arches, placement etc.) and had me run 50 or so feet so she could see my ankles were neutral or if I pronate or supinate.

After the run, I was putting on shoes and she went to the sports bra rack to organize them as they were close to closing. I asked here if my moobs were bouncing too much when I ran and she was pulling something for me to try on.

She didn't think it was as funny as I did.
Atta Boy Smalls.

Today 6 miles, tomorrow a half marathon. Don't be surprised if you start to like this running thing.

Did you do a training program? It is a great way to stay motivated. Pick a race a few weeks out and train for it. You will be amazed at the connection you make with the people you train with.

Report back with a race photo.
I just signed up for my first 10k. The last time I ran six consecutive miles was... never.

Since Feb. 1 I am down about 17 lbs and I've been working out 3-5 days a week, every week. I've also found that since I started exercising I am much more conscious about what I eat (I get food guilt if I eat like crap and there fore undoing a perfectly good workout in my head). Although I look and feel better now than I did a couple of months ago, I still have about 20 lbs to go. I don't have a "desired" weight... but for once in my life I'd like to not have muffin tops.

Anyone else started getting in shape for 2013?

Been on the bike 3 days in a row.. with a full blow cold. But a lot of times really getting the ticker wound up clears up the head and chest and I seem to get over the cold faster. I put on more weight this winter than anytime in the last 10 years. I bet that little lickbag Miller could probably get to a top of a hill before me;)
Since you guys are talking healthy, im curious as to what would be a good for "replenshinig" while hiking and hunting. I have always looked for the high protein bars etc etc, the Gatorade protein chew tabs that have come out lately in the little 6 packs etc etc. Not really looking for food other then bars or something light and easy. Also whats the best for starting the morning with?
Whats easy to carry and easy to use that works??
Good luck! The title of the thread reminds me of the first sprint distance triathlon I did. I showed up the night before to get my race packet and walked to the table to do so. The lady looked up and said, "Sir, volunteers sign up over there." I'm firmly in the 'Clydesdale' division... :D
Barebow- Yep Fargo.

2Rocky- I don't think anyone has to worry about me "liking" running. I loathe it but I am tolerating it. I am using the "Hal Higdon" training schedule, although I got started training fairly late as I haven't had really clearly defined goals when I started working out. I wanted to get more fit, I wanted to lose weight, I wanted to look better, and finally I decided I wanted to run a 10k. I can do 4 miles, so I need to stretch another 2 miles in 2.5 weeks... with the gains I've seen lately I am pretty sure I can do that.

One of the hardest things to overcome is the transition from the treadmill to pavement. It is much more strenuous to run outside compared to the spinning belt under your feet. I've found it works my lower calf muscles (low calf/high ankle) differently so that is where I seem to have the endurance issues. Unfortunately it wasn't terribly nice to run outside until the end of April this year.

EOD- I've also signed up for the Hard Charge, so I'll dip my toe into one of those obstacle course races as well. I tend to believe I'll be better suited for that then I will be a straight up 10k.
I'm on the forced health regiment called the ARMY. I do plenty on my own but it always helps motivate you knowing that PT tests are coming up. At 44, I'm not the first one in on the runs any more but I like to beat as many of the young guys as I can so that I can rub it in their faces later. lol. Congrats on your efforts and keep it up. If you want to do runs that are more fun and challenging, look into Warrior Dash, Tough Mudder's, or Spartan Races......Those throw in obsticals and mudd along the way. It may seem like it's a lot harder but I like how it breaks things up along the route!

Kind of for a change of pace, we schedule a Euro Style Cross Country Race in the middle of our Jr. High Cross Country season, just for fun. Those are races with obstacles, creek crossings, etc. One of the 7th grade girls wound up with a couple of minows in her shoes after the last one. They still tell me it's fun, so we will keep it up
Since you guys are talking healthy, im curious as to what would be a good for "replenshinig" while hiking and hunting. I have always looked for the high protein bars etc etc, the Gatorade protein chew tabs that have come out lately in the little 6 packs etc etc. Not really looking for food other then bars or something light and easy. Also whats the best for starting the morning with?
Whats easy to carry and easy to use that works??

You want something with a good mix of protein, fat and carbs. I like trail mix - I make my own so I can customize with more nuts, chocolate covered coffee beans, etc. Clif Bars are good all-purpose bars, but a little light in the protein if you have a hard hike. You need the protein for muscle recovery after you abuse them all day hiking, so maybe throw in a high-quality builder bar or some other high protein supplement. Jerkey is good also:D
Good Luck smalls! I foolishly signed up for Spartan Race that is May 11. All of my teammates backed out and I'm afraid I didn't get enough training in. I'm going to be a sore SOB!
Good luck! The title of the thread reminds me of the first sprint distance triathlon I did. I showed up the night before to get my race packet and walked to the table to do so. The lady looked up and said, "Sir, volunteers sign up over there." I'm firmly in the 'Clydesdale' division... :D

I actually bought a 60 lb weight vest and started hiking high elevation hills. Its an awesome workout, and it seems to be a little easier on the joints and knees.I alternate days of running and walking with the vest.
Npaden was my inspiration to start C25K. It worked great but I let it slide after last years hunting season. Started it up again and I'm on week 3. The Iphone version is different than the previous Android app but for fat guys like me the program works well.