Caribou Gear

Fallen Monarch


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2013
I had the privilege to watch and photograph this fella in the worst condition I have ever seen a deer that was still mobile. He probably wanted to go lower but was unable to do as all the others had already done in this brutal winter. His pelvis had 3-4" scallops where smooth muscle once filled it in, same with his spine area. I watched him for a week after finding him then he was gone, no birds no nothing...

But this was 50 yards from where I last saw him:

Huge skull, almost 0 left for chompers, gaps between teeth still impacted with fiber. What a story this guy could have told from his decade plus of harsh living with 10,000 two legged and no shortage of 4 legged critters wanting what he had. He outlasted them all but old man time and -30 degrees for days on end were what caught up to him.

Rough winter this year as I found 4 total yesterday 2 dinks and this guy in addition to the monarch of the mountain.

Nice heads. Form the looks of his teeth he lived a long time. Any history with him?

When I first saw him I thought of this guy but the time of not seeing him left me unsure and close inspection of the dead head I feel even less likely to buy into my original thought... but there are some strong correlations... could be.

He was M. Ali in his prime, the earth shook under his hooves, this winter he looked like he had an earthquake epicenter under him as he could barely forge through a chest high drift...

Send those front teef in and get an age on him

No for the very simple reason that you would desire it, I find you to be a despicable individual, devoid of any redeeming characteristics whatsoever, good bye...
Squirrel you may have some people fooled here but we all know you're a sell out. If that buck had a big enough rack you would of been on the phone to mossback trying to get them to come shoot it. You have no morals. Please share the story of mossback with the hunttalk crew...
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No for the very simple reason that you would desire it, I find you to be a despicable individual, devoid of any redeeming characteristics whatsoever, good bye...

Sheeesh Dink is this a neighbor of yours? Someones cranky

Was wondering the same. That seemed to come outta left field.

Maybe my sexiness confuses his sexual preference? Like an "American Beauty" kind of thing?

Happens all the time with inner Colorado hillbillies and my sexiness.
Was wondering the same. That seemed to come outta left field.

Going with the baseball angle... Just cause you get seated during the 7 th inning stretch doesn't mean there were not 6-1/2 previous innings played...
Going with the baseball angle... Just cause you get seated during the 7 th inning stretch doesn't mean there were not 6-1/2 previous innings played...

this could possibly be the oddest thread I've ever seen. started out really cool with a nice little story and an awesome deer. then turned into something very odd very quick
Think of all that is wrong with the world and put it into one person and there you have squirrel.

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