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Ex. Orders?

If they try an ex order they will look like dictators to me....trying to skirt congress and the voice of the people. Hopefully the court will check the executive branch and limit the power. It seems you can't limit government enough.

"This is not an exercise in photo opportunities or just getting to ask you all what your opinions are. We are vitally interested in what you have to say," Biden said

I call BS
This is a very interesting video. Everyone ignores the fact that most of these violent crimes occur in metropolitan areas. The media still portrays Littleton,CO as a small suburban town, when really it's part of Denver. How'd that gun control work n D.C.?

I call BS on this executive order stuff as well b/c it would literally become a civil war at that point.

I think civil war is a reach. Who in our regions would enforce it? We don't even know what "IT" is yet.
I think civil war is a reach. Who in our regions would enforce it? We don't even know what "IT" is yet.

The American Civil War didn't start overnight. There was a series of events and a slow build up. Obama hasn't even been inaugurated for his second term and look what is going on. Where will we be in 4 years? I hope not in a civil war, but I really can't say for sure. A bill has been introduced to congress to lift term limits on the presidency. This guy is looking like a dictator more and more every day.
I saw that bill removing the term limit on the president and was really pissed, until I looked at the congressional website and saw that some jackhole introduces that legislation every year and it never makes it out of committee. An executive order banning any type of firearm or requiring registration will be a call to arms to every patriot in the country.
I saw that bill removing the term limit on the president and was really pissed, until I looked at the congressional website and saw that some jackhole introduces that legislation every year and it never makes it out of committee. An executive order banning any type of firearm or requiring registration will be a call to arms to every patriot in the country.

The very first thing that would be done is a law suit. If you read the Heller decision, then you would know that AR types weapons are mentioned as weapons that a current day militia would need to be effective in a modern environment. Where as muskets were cutting edge at the time, AR's or even RPG's might be considered. Tanks and nukes would probably push the limits.

The "Heller" did say that "arms" to be used by militias aren't "unlimited" How far they would go either way was left up to be decided I guess.
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