PEAX Equipment

Episode #7 - Colorado Pronghorn

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
Here is the notice that Episode #7 is coming right up. Colorado Pronghorn.

It will air on Outdoor Channel on Friday the 14th at 11:30 am and 10:00 pm, and Sunday the 16th at 3:00 pm. All times being Mountain Time. Those of you following the Roll Sequence on the TV page will notice that things are a little out of order, from what it listed there. Sometimes production companies and networks make changes, and at the last minute, I find out that the order has changed.

Those of you who have read my threads know that I am an antelope junkie to the highest degree. That is what makes this hunt so fun for me. Along with sharing the hunt with one of my closest friends, Neil Severinson.

Neil is a non-techy, so he does not have some cool Hunt Talk handle. He just goes by any Norwegian name you want to use - Einer, Sven, Olaf, etc.

Neil is one of the most ardent conservationists I know. He has spent his entire life as a Ducks Unlimited volunteer, in varying capacities at state and national levels. It is through Ducks Unlimited that I met Neil, and in our times in the blind, found out we also shared a passion for pronghorn hunting.

This was the first episode we filmed for this series. I was as green as you can get. Fortunately, we have a great field production staff, and they coached us through it with great ease.

When we arrived in Colorado Neil asked why I packed all my gear on my rifle. I thought he was joking., but a closer inspection says otherwise. I still don't know how the rifle got on the bottom of the pile. Normally I blame the camera guys for such things, when they aren't around to defend themselves, but in this case, they weren't even in my truck. Hmm. :confused:

The reason I bring up the rifle being under all the gear, is to give some back ground to the shooting display you see in this episode. The first shot was at 80 yards. I missed so high, I hardly even scared the buck. He ran off another fifty yards and turned to challenge my marksmanship one more time. Another miss that was so far off, it was hard to know I was even shooting at this buck. The camera guy right over my shoulder, Troy, yelled, "You are shooting a foot too high."

Fortunately, the big wanted to take one more look at the scene before fleeing his sanctuary. With this last chance, I held at the bottom of the brisket and hit him high in the shoulder. And, as they say, the rest is history.

It was not my intention to get things that excited. My goal was to finish the job at 80 yards. But, such was not the case.

I am thankful for the production company not using the footage they took of me dropping my drawers to pull a huge prickly pear out of my hind end. The camera guys assured me they were not filming, and the pain I was in did not allow me to inspect their gear closely prior to my extraction efforts. When I finished and saw them laughing hysterically, I turned to the cameras and saw the red lights on, indicating that even though they had walked away from their tripods, they hit the record button prior to doing so. We reviewed the footage at camp, and I can say that any political aspirations I may have had, are now shelved with that five minute clips of me, my white legs, and my BVDs flashing the screen.

This hunt was very high on the fun meter. I thank my good buddy Neil for joining me, as we chased these crazy critters around the BLM grounds of Northwest Colorado.

If you want to see some pictures of this hunt, go to this thread - Colorado Pronghorn. Unfortunately, I was so busy filming episodes last fall, I did not have the time to give this hunt the play by play story telling I normally try to provide.
I just watched this episode. best show on today!

just wondering why your windage cap was off your scope? something to do with a logo before you had sponsors maybe?
LOL your shooting was just a tad off. When I saw you taking that 3rd shot I figured you would make the hit since you were shooting high over the back. You just needed him to get out another 50 yards to make the shot. Great show !
I like the fact that your camping. I also find this the most rewarding way to hunt. Like it should be. Looks like a great way to go on your own. I will be trying for a tag myself soon thanks to your show. I hope I dont take 3 shots though.
Stalked speed goats this past weekend in SE Colorado with my bow. I attempted several stalks and had one shooting opportunity but missed low. I forgot my range finder in the truck and misjudged the distance later determined to be 65 yds. I bought some burlap camo material to fashion a walking blind, but could only get to within 100yds. I'm addicted and will be chasing them again this weekend. Caution: I almost stepped on a rattler Sun morning; be careful out there.