Elk hunt with a 4 year old

That's awesome! I've been experiencing the joys of taking my boy hunting the last 2 seasons. It's a test of patience at times for sure but he's already my little hunting buddy!
This post made my go back through my hunting and fishing photos of my son and I. He's not even 4 yet and I already have lots of good memories with him hunting and fishing!!
This absolutely made my day. Very cool. I’m still trying to figure out how you got him a mile in, as my 5 year old would have a tough time doing that in terrain.

Very cool and congrats!!!
So...I’ve been out-hunted by a 4 year old. That’s so awesome! Congrats to you guys on a memory you’ll both get to share for many years to come.
Soon though he was touching the elk and said, “ thank you mr elk.” ( I think we watch too much fresh tracks). It was an amazing experience and he was such a trooper the whole evening
That's pretty darn awesome, dad! Great job!
Opportunities shape future generation's mind set for conservation.
Nice. Speaking from experience … those times spent with your kids at that age hunting/fishing/hiking are some of the best memories. You will not forget and I bet he will not either. Be sure to cherish the moment and way to go making it fun for son.
The BEST elk of your life!

Amazing that you pulled it off with a 4 year old in tow. Congratulations
Excellent all around. I began taking my son on hunting and fishing adventures when he was very young and he has become the best hunting partner imaginable. You have laid the foundation for years of camaraderie in the woods. Good on both of you!
Hey this is a great post thanks for sharing I never had kids but love seeing kids getting out their you gotta be a proud poppa !!!
So awesome! I can’t wait to get my little ones out there. Just yesterday my 3 year old was asking out of the blue for some “buhl elk noises dada.” Sounds like you nailed it with your son’s adventure. I also love the idea of making something cool from the ivories for him!
Walked to the same spot this afternoon looking for a large mule deer. Told my son he could t go because it was too cold and snowy. He begged and begged and so bundled him up and let him come. Lots of deer tracks but no deer. Got to the clearing and there are two elk standing in the wide open at 4pm. Little rag horn and a nice 6pt. Hunting sure is funny. I wanted to cry but still am thankful for the elk we got.
That's wicked! Congrats on an awesome hunt with your son!

I've taken my daughter on a handful of hunts and was lucky to harvest a doe and the world's smallest duck with her!
Thanks for sharing that story. You really brightened my day and brought back memories of hunting with my Dad, who I lost too many years ago.
Heck yeah man, that is too cool. I'm having the same type of experiences with my 4 year old, just not the elk kind yet. He keeps asking if we're going elk hunting, but I have to explain that those opportunities are 1500+ miles away. Congrats on an incredible memory.
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