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Easy to draw vs OTC

Jun 27, 2018
Dayton, OH
Is there really a difference between an OTC hunt and a tag that can be drawn by a first time applicant? I would prefer rifle in Montana but am open to Colorado as well. Thanks in advance.

Specifically, Will I see a lot more hunters in an OTC Unit?
I think on average you will definitely see more ppl in OTC units vs draw hunts. Just look up toprut and u confirm number of hunters in each unit for otc in CO vs their draw units.
My experience is in CO only. Take CO's unit 12, they kill more elk here every year than any other unit, it's also a very popular unit. Last year there was 1550 hunters in 1st rifle. 2nd rifle had 1514 hunters. Another example, unit 62, another very popular unit, had 380 in 1st rifle and 1642 in second. So it really depends. This information can be found here:

My experience, in general 1st is slightly less crowded than 2nd or 3rd. I hunt 4th rifle, which is generally less crowded out of all the seasons, but there are weather and private land issues at play.
I assume your asking about rifle seasons. I can speak to CO a little bit. CO's 2nd season and 3rd is in many units is OTC. This is also the when the deer season opens, so in addition to OTC elk hunters you have deer hunters.

I believe (with no data) you also have a bigger influence of local weekend hunters that may not brother with the draw system and pick up their tag at the local store.

I think you also have folks that hunt multiple seasons (more likely residents because of the cost, time, and logistics) draw a limited tag and can still go on an OTC tag. (similar to the above case)

Things like this contribute to differences and more orange in the field in OTC units.
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