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Droid or iPhone?


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2002
I may finally be hopping on the smart phone bandwagon and have been given the option of a Droid or an iPhone. I know next to nothing on either, so which are you guys using and what are your thoughts on each. Thanks
I have the iPhone and I really like it. Also have friends use both. From what I've gathered either one is great, I got the iPhone because there weren't many droids in the shop when I updated. I would go check each one out and see what you like, but dont think you can go wrong with either...
iphone people are such snobs about it, I just couldn't go that route. Look at me, look at me, I have a iphone. Besides my boss had hers in a purse and a water bottle came open and destroyed it.

I'm so hardcore, that I had to get a phone as hardcore as myself.

Seems ok, alot of crap on it that you cannot get rid of, you have to download a juice saver app to get it turned off, then the battery last decent. But if you are not as Hardcore as I, I suggest picking a different phone:p

ps. my iphone snob wife still states hers is better.
I don't HATE Apple, but I don't own any of their products. My Droid X has been sufficient for my needs so far, and I don't think I have unlocked all its potential.
If you are in a long distance relationship I would avoid the iPhone.... now I am required to do this "face chat" garbage.... I'm ready to throw my iPhone away just because of that!! Otherwise I like my iPhone, my favorite feature (probably because I'm lazy) is that I don't have to call and dial into my voicemail... it lists who it is from like a text then I just hit the play button and it plays the voicemail... Never really seen a droid so my opinion is bias..... but avoid the face chat, it will drive a man crazy.
The most fun feature of my phone so far, is that it will read a text message to you. Have someone send you a message stating:

"You are a stupid mother ##*&#&#&#" or "Elk hunting sucks b*&^*s".

Extremely entertaining to hear the ladies voice read them.
I have the droid 3 and my brother has the iphone, not a whole lotta difference besides that mine has a key board (i cant stand touch screen)
Had a Droid 2, just got an iPhone. Ya, it's foo foo, but it works well, and is fast, and gets the job done. Not being an Apple whore yet though, I'm still sticking with my Dell, and Windows. I'm sure either way you won't go wrong....Android or Apple. Don't let a crappy carrier ruin your smartphone experience.
I'm with most and hate the apple worshipers, however, i recently got an iphone becuase it had apps available that i utilize for work whereas the droid did not. I can't speak to droid but this iphone is pretty cool and very fast. i hardly use my computer at home anymore becuase everything is accessable on the phone. love watching OYOA on it too!
The most fun feature of my phone so far, is that it will read a text message to you. Have someone send you a message stating:

"You are a stupid mother ##*&#&#&#" or "Elk hunting sucks b*&^*s".

Extremely entertaining to hear the ladies voice read them.

Try this one: "Lick my B:eek:lls"

I have the Droid X. I like it functions and the android tech in conjunction w/ Google works great. It is my vehicle GPS, handsfree phone use and google earth immediately accessible when in the woods. The screen size is as good as phone use gets. hd video 720p and 12meg camera capability w/ flash.
Nothing against iphone... I am sure both work great - it is what fits your comfort. :)
iPhone seems much simpler and straight forward compared to the droid that my father has. Then again I'm an apple snob cause I like stuff that works. Over 2 years with an iMac and I've never had to shut down a program or restart it. I've had 3 new Dells at the office in the past 5 years and they have all had quirks right out of the box.
I've had the Droid X for a year + now. They're somewhat OK. They will require a reboot every week or so if you're on the web a lot. The phone will shank the SD card at some point too so make sure you back up all your card data to your PC. I think I'm on my 2nd phone so far. The Droid 2 with keyboard seems to be better for texting.
The new Iphone 4 is the way I'm heading.
I'm on Verizon
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I have both. Iphone 4 for work and Samsung android for personal. I think the iPhone is archaic compared to the newer android phones. I do like the iPhone voicemail thing though.
I have a Droid. It works well. It is only a 3 g phone but it is waterproof! I like that in a phone that I use out hunting. It is a Motorola blur.
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