dream hunt fulfilled

Those are some great pictures to go along with an absolute monster of a bull. congrats and thanks for sharing.
Kudos to all of you who take the time and effort to post recaps of your magnificent hunts. It enables those of us who love hunting but were unsuccessful or unable to hunt to recharge our batteries and start the build up for next year. Beautiful bull and thanks for your effort.
Went back through them 2 times. A record for my ADD.

How far was the shot? You smoked him looks like. Not sure how you held it together at the moment of truth.
That is a toad. You'll have to post some pics when you get him up on your wall.
Are you going to do a turned mount with those whale tails?
Absolutely great bull. Great pics, looks like you had a great year for sure.
Great photos. Congrats on such an awesome hunting experience and incredible bull! Not bad for a hippie from the Bitterroot.
Great bull Rocky!! I love your horse pictures as well. Can't wait to load mine up next year. How long were in there for? Was it the opening or later in the season? Give us the story:D
Wow! That's a nice bull, congrats. Looks like a great time, we are all a little jealous looking at these pics.

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