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Donald trump Jr on Jay Scott podcast

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If you're only interested in the public lands part of the podcast listen to the last 9 minutes.
Love him or hate him, I think he has done a very good job at raising his kids. Thanks for posting.
"The great public lands that we have, and have access to, that's never going to wither away under my watch" -Donald Trump Jr.

A breath of fresh air from someone on the right side of the isle.
Did any of you catch when he talked about the state possibly having some sort of day in the management of the lands, but the lands staying public? What does he mean by that? Any ideas?
Did any of you catch when he talked about the state possibly having some sort of day in the management of the lands, but the lands staying public? What does he mean by that? Any ideas?

I think its along the same lines as the State running the Wildlife management on Federal Lands. There obviously needs to be a partnership with the State and the Feds since the State heads up some conservation efforts on Federal land.

I believe that's what he was getting at. But he made it clear that ownership would not be transferred.
He's got my vote!

Think I'm going to hold off voting for a U.S. President based on his kids comments during a 1 hour podcast. Especially when the last 6 months of showing the candidates character point in the opposite direction. That's just me though.
His character? Such as that he's patriotic and cares about our country? Unlike most of the other presidential candidates who only care about themselves? You do realize the entire political system is corrupt, don't you? Trump is our only chance to turn this country around. It's sad that so many people won't support him because they don't feel he's nice enough and he may have hurt some people's feelings. Look at the nice guy the establishment Republicans wanted to nominate- Jeb Bush!
Here's what our friends at the American Lands Council have said:

Prior to sending his son, Donald Trump Jr., to meet with representatives of The American Lands Council in February, Donald Trump gave an interview to Field and Stream which was published on Jan 21. When asked whether or not he would support the federal government transferring public lands to states. Trump responded, “I don’t like the idea because I want to keep the lands great, and you don’t know what the state is going to do. I mean, are they going to sell if they get into a little bit of trouble? And I don’t think it’s something that should be sold. We have to be great stewards of this land.”

On February 13 the Trump Campaign met with several leaders of The American Lands Council, and on Feb 18th candidate Trump railed against the overreach of federal bureaucracies such as the BLM. According to an article on,"...the Republican presidential front-runner rails against the “draconian rule” of the Bureau of Land Management and the Obama administration’s “land grab” in the western United States. ‘The BLM controls over 85 percent of the land in Nevada,’ Trump explains. ‘In the rural areas, those who for decades have had access to public lands for ranching, mining, logging and energy development are forced to deal with arbitrary and capricious rules that are influenced by special interests that profit from the D.C. rule-making and who fill the campaign coffers of Washington politicians.’”

Then on February 21st, at a rally in Nevada, while discussing a Ted Cruz ad that suggested Trump preferred federal control over western lands, Trump indicated he didn’t know much about the issue.
Here's what our friends at the American Lands Council have said:

Does this suggest that Trump simply is telling sportsman "what they want to hear," Not exactly a surprise, when the guy has done nothing but pander to the lowest common denominator of citizen since day one.
His character? Such as that he's patriotic and cares about our country? Unlike most of the other presidential candidates who only care about themselves? You do realize the entire political system is corrupt, don't you? Trump is our only chance to turn this country around. It's sad that so many people won't support him because they don't feel he's nice enough and he may have hurt some people's feelings. Look at the nice guy the establishment Republicans wanted to nominate- Jeb Bush!

Yes, his character, which is to juvenile, insulting, pandering, ignorant AND TOO EASILY RATTLED to suggest that he should be the face of the free world.

He is like every other school yard bully.

Lets see:
Makes fun of a disabled guy

Calls for banning traveler's to our country based on religion even though freedom of religion and separation of church and state are key cornerstones of this country

Encourages or at least approves of protestors getting beat up:

So ya, his character. The guys entire platform is built on FEAR, and I refuse to follow someone like that, not matter how good his son comes off as during a podcast, answering softball questions concerning his dads candidacy.
Well u can either support him or Cruz? Not much other choices that I see. We all know where Cruz stands on this issue... I guess u could vote for Hillary but I couldn't bring myself to vote for another democrat. This country has turned into a welfare state under our current administration.
Does this suggest that Trump simply is telling sportsman "what they want to hear," Not exactly a surprise, when the guy has done nothing but pander to the lowest common denominator of citizen since day one.

I'm sure a politician and reality TV star would never lie.
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