Donald trump Jr on Jay Scott podcast

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While I agree Trump is not as elegant with his words as some politicians, he is currently the only candidate who has been supportive of firearms and public lands. The public lands issue is actually quite controversial, so coming out against the transfer or sale of these lands is actually something the republican party probably doesn't like. I'm not 100% on the Trump bandwagon but currently we are in too bad of a situation to even think of voting for Cruz or Rubio who have absolutely made it clear they are for the transfer, especially Cruz. I believe Trump Jr. is very sincere in what he says and has been consistent with it, even after Cruz has bashed his father multiple times over the issue. I really think the public lands issue is not something Donald Trump thinks about much, but his son thinks about it a lot, and it would be nice to have a candidate on the right get nominated who hasn't said he supports the transfer or sale. It's much better than a man who has made it a part of his campaign and has said he will transfer or sale as much public land as possible if he is elected president. If Trump is the republican nominee our public lands are in a better position than if Cruz does. I don't think anyone is saying we are all together happy with the nominees.

Also Washington Hunter to prove a point you should find somewhere in the middle. Conservative Treehouse is as far right as the the liberal media is far left. Trump isn't scared of controversy, some people like that, some people hate that. I personally don't care if he throws insults, the other candidates have done it as well, and the world isn't a padded room filled with pillows. Like Trump's approach or hate it, he has the best stand on the right side of isle and I will take him over the rest of them, even if what he says is sometimes controversial. Better than the classic candidates who speak eloquently and then get into office and are nothing but a paid for politician.
One eye, well said, and the reason I like the Conservative Treehouse is they do a good job of explaining the corruption of the Republican Party.

All sites have some decent things, I've just read some things on their quite a few times I really have to roll my eyes at. I read an article on it about a month ago that was so far off from the truth I have not been back once to look at the site again.
I like a lot of Jay Scott's podcasts. He's really knowledgeable about some aspects of hunting that it is kinda cool to hear his perspective. However, his interviewing and overall podcasting skills are so awkward sometimes that I have to turn off the podcast.

Trump jr. sounds like a reasonable enough dude. And while he lives in an entirely different world than I do socioeconomically, we share an affinity for the outdoors. I liked a lot of what he said, and he clearly has a passion for hunting and fishing. Also, No matter what side of the aisle it's coming from, it's always good to hear support for keeping public lands public.

I couldn't vote for his father for numerous other reasons, but it is refreshing to hear a politician with an (R) next to his name speak out for preservation of public land. Even if it is probably just lip service that his sons directed him on..........
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If you think Trump's platform is based on "fear" you have been listening to the liberals and the establishment Republicans.

Try doing some reading on this site:

The conservative treehouse! The same "news" source that was upholding the virtues of the Bundys?

And yes, calling Mexicans rapists and murderers, calling for the banning of Muslims traveling to this country, AMONG OTHER THINGS, is definitely pandering to fear, and is NOT simply being less than elegant as Oneye suggests. His campaign feeds off the fear of poor, undereducated white rural Americans who never achieved "The American Dream" and feel that they are victims as a direct result of a "liberal" government who only cares about minorities and upholding a welfare state.
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I like a lot of Jay Scott's podcasts. He's really knowledgeable about some aspects of hunting that it is kinda cool to hear his perspective. However, his interviewing and overall podcasting skills are so awkward sometimes that I have to turn off the podcast.

Trump jr. sounds like a reasonable enough dude. And while he lives in an entirely different world than I do socioeconomically, we share an affinity for the outdoors. I liked a lot of what he said, and he clearly has a passion for hunting and fishing. Also, No matter what side of the aisle it's coming from, it's always good to hear support for keeping public lands public.

I couldn't vote for his father for numerous other reasons, but it is refreshing to hear a politician with an (R) next to his name speak out for preservation of public land. Even if it is probably just lip service that his son's directed him on..........

Well said.
Well, I happen to agree with Trump that we need to secure our southern border. We don't know who's coming into our country, and there's no doubt some of them do come here and commit crimes. And as for keeping people from the Muslim countries out until we have a 100% reliable method of knowing they're not terrorists, I agree with Trump 100% on that, as do many people. There's nothing wrong with keeping people out of our country to keep us safe. How anyone could think otherwise I just don't get.
Think I'm going to hold off voting for a U.S. President based on his kids comments during a 1 hour podcast. Especially when the last 6 months of showing the candidates character point in the opposite direction. That's just me though.

HAHA. This made me actually laugh out loud. Man. Good times.
Well, I happen to agree with Trump that we need to secure our southern border. We don't know who's coming into our country, and there's no doubt some of them do come here and commit crimes. And as for keeping people from the Muslim countries out until we have a 100% reliable method of knowing they're not terrorists, I agree with Trump 100% on that, as do many people. There's nothing wrong with keeping people out of our country to keep us safe. How anyone could think otherwise I just don't get.

That's the kind of insane logic that trump supporters rely in. That because I don't agree with a blanket ban on an entire group of people, based off their religion that I am somehow against keeping the country safe. Weird, as I actually did put on a uniform and carry a weapon for this country. Don't know if you did it not, but I served with and around Muslims. So what, they shouldn't be allowed to come back to the United States? Or to come at all?

Again, tell me how that isn't fear-mongering.

One reason I think many mass shootings don't show up on our radar is they are not perpetuated as political/terrorist acts. Many are the results of violence connected with other crimminal activity and are not intended or perceived as being against our society and culture as a whole. The victims are shot just because they happen to be in the way, rather than targeted because they are part of American society.

That doesn't make them any less dead or any less of a victim, it just doesn't raise public consciousness and fear like knowing a shooting was done as an act of hatred against the victims as Americans.

When we consider violence and danger to be random, we tend not to worry about it. When we perceive we are targeted for violence rather than it just happening to us randomly, it causes a lot more anxiety and fear.
I really think Donald is a man of his word... whatever it may be at any given time...
Or Charleston? Sandy Hook? Aurora? Columbine? None of those were perpetrated by Muslims, just sick individuals, regardless of religion.

Exactly. But maybe washington hunter is onto something. I heard some religious extremists took over a federal building a few months back, threatening violence and the overthrowing of the U.S. Government. Anyone that follows their insane religion should also be banned immediately, the whole Christian lot of them. At least until protocols are in place to tell good from bad, 100% of the time. Right, Washington Hunter? Otherwise how can we truly feel safe.
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So tighter gun laws "until we have a 100% reliable method of knowing they're not" going to cause harm?


I do think we should take a serious look at eradicating grizzly bears until they stop eating hikers.

Then... We can ban smoking until we can eliminate lung cancer.

And... we should censor the internet until people stop arguing. :D
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