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Dog got sprayed by a skunk

Southern Elk

Well-known member
Nov 3, 2015
Our lab had a run in with a skunk last night. He smells worse than the skunk now. Any home remedies for getting rid of the smell? Good thing it’s warm outside now, because he’s lost his inside privileges.
We tried tomato paste on the neighbors dog once when I was a kid on the advice of an another elderly neighbor . Looked like a horror movie and possibly reduced the smell a very small amount. But as 12 year old boys we thought it was great. Dog got in the neighbor’s house with tomato paste and skunk stink though…I heard some new adjectives and some 12 letter words for the first time that night. My advice would be take a two week vacation and leave the dog at a kennel.
Soak dog down with water. Mix up a batch of douche. Work it thoroughly into the coat and leave set for 30 minutes then rinse.
Mix 1 quart hydrogen peroxide, ¼ cup baking soda, and 1 teaspoon dish-washing liquid. This should be for 30 - 50lb dog, double everything if necessary for larger dog.
DO NOT store in sealed container after mixing ingredients!

Don't mess with cleaning the collar, especially if its fabric material. Just pitch it & get a new one.
I had this mix written on the garage wall for years. It works.
Had a big spray bottle of it for 2 german shepards that gave no ground to critters, dummies.
Quarter cup of dish soap in our mix. Would take the whole bottle for 2.
Lucky for me I get no skunks here,yet. Rio would surely find them.
A bird hunting friend and a vet both told me they keep a can of barbasol shaving cream in their trucks. Slather it on the sprayed area and it is a good initial treatment until you get home. I've never tried it myself, just the peroxide and baking soda solution.
+1, at least, on birdbanders recipe. I found it helpful to apply a little of the solution to the green spots and rub it in before mixing with water if it was a glancing blow so to speak. Then mix it up and scrub away.
Works on people as well.... one of the drawbacks of running pointers in heavy cover.
Looks like you’ve gotten some great responses for home recipe that works.

Not a home recipe, but a good option. I have three dogs that have all gotten sprayed multiple times. I use natures miracle skunk odor remover. I keep three full bottles at home just in case. And I always take one full bottle on the road with me during all bird hunting trips. Its cheap insurance to have on hand with dogs.
It’s amazing how bad it smells. Much worse than the skunk smell that you catch a wiff of while driving past one that got run over. It makes your nose hurt and your eyes water.

Thanks for the recommendations.
Careful with the H202 on or around mcus membranes. It can burn lips, noses, eyes etc. Otherwise works great on their coat. Nature's miracle skunk removal is excellent for the face.
Mix 1 quart hydrogen peroxide, ¼ cup baking soda, and 1 teaspoon dish-washing liquid. This should be for 30 - 50lb dog, double everything if necessary for larger dog.
DO NOT store in sealed container after mixing ingredients!

Don't mess with cleaning the collar, especially if its fabric material. Just pitch it & get a new one.
This recipe has worked well on four different dogs for me

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