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Doc recommendations near Boise? Knee has worn out.


Active member
Sep 24, 2017
I'm 31 and left knee is all but done. Did some trail running just to stay in shape in late teens early 20s. Got into cycling competitively for 5 or so years in my 20s but never had an injury. 10,000 miles a year for a few seasons but moved away from a great cycling city. The past few years have been a lot of miles in the mountains but only a couple of heavy packs.

At this point I cant walk my dogs around the block without a deep internal pain. It's not IT band because i have dealt with that. Rest and stretching has not worked, I've tried multiple times to take it easy for 6+ weeks over the last two years. It always comes back after a longer hike, even on flat ground. I'm ready for a doc to deliver the bad news and get on with it.

Anybody have experience around the Boise area?
Knee procedure.PNG

This may be an option for a person of your age. I know it has worked for a number of people. It depends on the extent and location of you disease.
I dont see anywhere that you have rubbed some dirt on it?
LOL all kidding aside hope you get it fixed and better I'm going under the knife in March so hopefully I can at least be hobbling around come Sept
I could give you pages about a back issue going misdiagnosed last fire. I eventually changed docs to Dr. scot Scheffel at Idaho Sports Medicine Clinic (at BSU). He’s the football teams doc. He got me diagnosed correctly and back walking.
Just had MCL surgery this year from Dr. Lewis at Idaho Sports Medicine Clinic. Great guy and specializes in knee issues. Did a great job and is highly recommended.
Good luck. Last week I ruptured my ACL, tore my miniscus in 4 places, dislocated my patella, bruised the bones in my leg and sprained my MCL. Doctor said I’ll make a complete recovery in 5-6 months which includes pre op rehab and strengthening, operation and post op physical therapy. I’m older than you. So, you should be fine no matter what the issue. Good luck.
Dont hesitate - i just had a total hip replacement, should have done it sooner.
The doctors are getting really good at these body part replacements.
Sorry no help with a surgeon, not from the area.
The advice I would give you is - go to a few physical therapist in your area. This is what I did before surgery. They help me strengthen my legs before surgery but most importantly they steered me toward a couple of great surgeons to get opinions from. Ask "What surgeons/patients have the best outcome and quickest recovery times?"
In boise I recieved a recommendation of Robert Walker (boc sports medicine)and George A Wade of (idaho sports medicine)
After opinions from both and another round of physical therapy at ISMI. I had dr Walker do my knees.
Good luck!

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