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DIY Mexico coues?


New member
Oct 11, 2012
Looking to book a DIY Mexico Coues deer hunt with Jay Scott and curious if anyone has any experience doing something similar they would want to share. Thanks
I haven’t but I have a friend that has gone with him many times and had good experiences and gotten nice bucks.
I did Sonoran Mule Deer DIY many years ago but now it has changed and Mexico now requires foreigners to use a licensed outfitter.
I did a DIY hunt this year for the first time with a Mexican outfit, had a great time but when I do it again I'll go through an English speaking outfitter. None of us spoke Spanish so it was a bit of a challenge at times.
I did a DIY hunt this year for the first time with a Mexican outfit, had a great time but when I do it again I'll go through an English speaking outfitter. None of us spoke Spanish so it was a bit of a challenge at times.

Wow. who would have known they speak Spanish in Mexico?
Great Bbawanna , Great post. ...LOL on dummies. You don;t Mess with mexico if you are not a a local or have connections. Jay Scott is one of the best to go with period . If You can't afford him stay home . To dangerous. Hell the Real mexicans are to dangerous here in Phoenix.....................BOB!
I have been toying with this idea for a while. Let us know what you decide.

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