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Divorce, do you ever see it coming...

I saw mine with my first wife coming, and still stayed another 11 years. 14 years total. Finally couldn't take it anymore... it was hard, but in the long run, was the best thing that ever happened to me.

She despised hunting season, and we never really clicked on a few other things.

that was 15 years ago. The woman in my life now (been together 8 years and married for 6 years) is a wonderful, loving, caring person. Life partner, huning partner, lover and best friend. I didn't have any of that in any other relationship I've ever had. "Time heals all wounds." Not sure who said that, but it was true for me.

I hate it for you, that has got to suck. Been fortunate myself, but had some friends go through it. I guess you treat it as an opportunity to upgrade. I think it would be worse if you did see it coming, if you wanted to avoid it and couldn't. At least that band aid got ripped clean off and wasn't preceded by a few years of low-grade misery.
Divorce is hard , you will get through it , I’m 5 years past mine , It was best Option for me and it was still one of the hardest things I’ve ever went through, this to will pass , nothing is permanent. Keep looking forward, I kept a low profile and stayed close to family through mine
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Sorry to hear that. It’ll probably hurt for a while, but it will subside. Time heals all wounds.

I never saw mine coming either. She walked in, said she wanted to talk, told me she filed for divorce, and was gone within the hour.

Since then I have a saying: “Women. Can’t live with ‘em...can’t live with ‘em.” There’s not much more to say.

Be strong, and good luck.
May as well throw my story in also since I hinted at it earlier. 31 years, 2 grown kids. Had lots of good times as well as bad. Could always fight like cats and dogs. I quit drinking, she continued and hid it but not very well. Would outright lie when confronted. I work a lot and am gone most of the day plus weekends as much as I could. Left her here alone most of the time. Thought we had something to straighten things out when we bought our cabin in Alaska. Guess not. Sent me a text yesterday saying we were selling the cabin to pay off the mortgage and then get divorced. Said I could stay here in the house I grew up in. Guess that means I'm buying her out so she has money to move on with. Also means I have to take out a new loan to pay her, so any retirement plans are gone. Probably not going to be quick or easy. Hopefully this thread will be helpful with some of the posts coming in. Not sure if I feel any better having said this or not.
My wife and I are coming up on three years next month. The D word has been thrown around a few times but we've been able to work through stuff so far. She's a workaholic and at one point I said it's either me or the job and she chose to cut her hours. I had no idea how much work a relationship was going to be... Rewarding, and a lot of work.