NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Disc pinched nerves

Hang in there! Sounds miserable.
You know, beyond the occasional nauseous sensations, tired bous, and a rare shoot of pain here / there, it's fantastic not feeling the shards race down the leg and give a burning sensation to the underside of the foot. Already feeling the benefits. Didn't help playing cowboy. Hah! Thanks for your (and everyone's) well wishes.
Well, I'm not able to do much at the moment, other than read HT threads... :)

My patch over the spine became bloodied each dressing change. We called and I was routed back to the neuro specialist location. 1645 hours yesterday... and here I go again, "Cowboy the F up" before I really think about the consequence. haha! The PA said, she's the one who closed up the wound and it definitely needs to be... stapled. So she offers in a general manner for the lidocaine process to numb the area and for some dumb 'tarded reason, I said, nah, just get it done.

Long draw through the nose, thump chunk! WOW! Holy horse chit! haha! Though silent I stay while my wife, a nurse and the PA go about running train tracks along my incision. Air out via the mouth, - thump chunk! Holy horse chit! Though... "buck up Chuck!" I simply continue the long oxygen in / out at each point, - thump chunk!

Moral of this post / story... Don't be a 'tard... lidocaine the hell out of it! Why the F not? What the hell?!?! Hahaha! I think this went on 8-10 staples. I lost count after I thought it would be maybe 4 -5? Holy chit!

My wife suggested I discuss this with my shrink. haha! All in good fun though why the hell? I know I'm not the only one. It was a casual, Just get it done. Why do we do this? I know there are some sage gents who shake their head. Next time... sure hope the staples kept some of the stupid from entering.

I wake frequently though getting sleep so that's good. I take short walks to keep the blood flowing though, no bending, flexing, etc. Nice to have my hiking poles.

BTW, this was a L 4-5 Discectomy. 2 weeks, no driving, no more than 10 #'s lift, etc. Then possibly light duty back at work... sure hope so! I'm taking it easy. I sure as heck hope this pans out well and my issue clears up. It's already a great feeling w/o glass like shards shooting down the leg and hammering the underside of my left foot! Major improvement though very sore and tough to wobble around.
The thing that worries me the most is I understood everything you wrote.

Get well, walk walk walk, no BLT.
The staple thing had me wincing a few times ! Glad to hear you are on the road back to good health. Listen to the PT folks !

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