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Disc pinched nerves

With the exception of @Dsnow9, this feels like the "Men of a Certain Age" thread. I've been dealing with this for a while now. The Osteo doc said it was a lifetime coming to fruition. Construction and weight lifting as a kid, then a life behind the steering wheel driving to gigs with more heavy lifting. I've am definitely in the, "20 steps to get upright from a chair crowd". Some days are good, some I can't function. Done the chiropractic and all that. I would have relief for about an hour after the appointment, I eventually quit going. For me the lost sleep is worse than the actual pain.

I had my cataracts fixed this year and that blew my HSA war chest. I actually sat down with a yellow pad and worked out which issue I should get treated first. It came down to hobbling through the woods was pointless if I couldn't see the game anyway. The back and legs are definitely on the plate for next year. - after I get back from Alaska and finish the season here.
Take the year and find a good chiropractor as well. It’s worth a shot, could save you from needing surgery
This is what I had to do. Had bulging discs. HORRIBLE arm pain. My problem was C4, C5, C7. Surgery was recommended. I got the shot and my father in law (Dr.) told me to call a chiro who specialized in discs and flexion-distraction therapy. It was intense at first and 7-8 visits/month for couple months. I have been doing that for 18 months and taking herbal based anti-inflammatory daily. Go once every 6 weeks now. Feel better all over. Was trying to avoid surgery and have as last resort. Didn't want to do that in my 40s.

I sympathize with the pain. I practically lost a finger in a work accident (surgery to put back together and 1yr+ PT). Arm pain from disc was worse. Couldn't sleep. Hopeful for a quick pain reducing journey ahead of you.
MRI yesterday. Doc called today with the news. Said my higher tolerance disguised the issue the past few months.

So, I've been referred to a specialist...


After seeing a friend get "drop foot" I'd never f'ck around with with pain killers, chiros, etc until I was absolutely positive it isn't damaging a nerve. If a doctor tells you it's ok get at least a second opinion from someone who is an expert. My friend followed a Bozeman doctor's advice and just did PT and by the time they figured it out he lost the ability to lift the front part of his foot.
I "slipped a disc" lifting weights back in 1998. It gave me occasional problems until around 2006 when I reinjured it humping ammo in the military and the pain became almost constant. By 2008, the specialist said I needed to get my L4/L5 fused. I did and it helped for about 5 years, but then I started getting pain again. I got an MRI and the disc above the surgery is herniated. The doc says this happens a lot since a fusion limits flexibility and puts additional pressure on the surrounding disc. So, I've just been dealing with it for the last 7 or 8 years. I get an epidural steroid injection every year or two and that helps. I do some leg and core strengthening and a few stretches that help relieve some of the pain. I'm going to do everything I can to avoid another surgery.
The Doc reviewed the history and stepped through each interval best advised before surgery. Much ado for common insurance and, as expected, to work least invasive first.
My insurance continues to surprise me as outpatient surgery does not require prior approval. 15% is the charge for this procedure. (FED BCBS)

I've bounced up due to prior '12 c6-7 break and the meds I've been taking since '12.
My stubbornness under the belief it was simply a royal pain in the arse and suck it up / deal with it pushed it far beyond PT.
The older I get the more I'm learning the, "Cowboy the F up" leads to further issues and in this case, elevated issues though likely inevitable.

The basic lineup, as I recall:

His "professional" assessment of the setting regarding injection or surgery - Surgery w/o a doubt.

Logan medical has this dialed in as I sit waiting for the next step. Just finished the ekg and cbc, etc... next - x-rays. Then I'm done for today. Tomorrow, return to the specialist for a required COVID test. All very professional and comfortably friendly. It's a cattle chute from point A - B - C - D, etc. Really well situated process.
Good luck! Hope you get some relief. I'm knocking on wood that I don't have any serious issues like that after the life I've been through!
The Doc reviewed the history and stepped through each interval best advised before surgery. Much ado for common insurance and, as expected, to work least invasive first.
My insurance continues to surprise me as outpatient surgery does not require prior approval. 15% is the charge for this procedure. (FED BCBS)

I've bounced up due to prior '12 c6-7 break and the meds I've been taking since '12.
My stubbornness under the belief it was simply a royal pain in the arse and suck it up / deal with it pushed it far beyond PT.
The older I get the more I'm learning the, "Cowboy the F up" leads to further issues and in this case, elevated issues though likely inevitable.

The basic lineup, as I recall:

His "professional" assessment of the setting regarding injection or surgery - Surgery w/o a doubt.

Logan medical has this dialed in as I sit waiting for the next step. Just finished the ekg and cbc, etc... next - x-rays. Then I'm done for today. Tomorrow, return to the specialist for a required COVID test. All very professional and comfortably friendly. It's a cattle chute from point A - B - C - D, etc. Really well situated process.
Best of luck and I hope for a speedy recovery.
Sytes, best of luck from another who has been there. 2005, fighting, subduing, and cuffing a 6’3” 280 lb. Strongman Competitor, alone. Won the battle but …. Blew my L5-S1 disc. Shot the contents of the disc up my spinal canal. Neuro Surgeon said it looked like a mess of canned crab meat up there ! Emergency surgery, 6 months of Physical Therapy, and a God-Awful 2 day fitness test in order to get back on duty. Listen to the Physical Therapist , and do exactly what they tell you 👍
In the room after surgery. A bit painful @ incision point, it seems. Began in OP approx 0845. Woke around 1145.
Meds Should be kicking in soon. Ginger ale and... this vile.
Apparently it wa good to go the surgery route. They found a bone spur pressing against the nerve as well. Explains why the pain was up a couple notches... good amount cleared for the nerve passage.
(Again when I get on the laptop, I'll resize the pic... unknown how on Android Chrome except the first loading second or two)

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I have bulging disks, small herniation on the bottom, bone spurs, arthritis, etc... I had a shot once. As of now what helps me best is eating healthy, staying active and flexible, working out, etc... if I sit long at all my right calf/foot becomes numb.
Good luck man. I know that I got up n went to work if I could. No matter how much it hurt instead of listening to my body. I had a family to support. And knew I would probably pay the piper at the end of the day. Well that plan didn't work out real well and has caused severe permanent damage.
My best advice to anyone is listen to your body. At the time supporting my family was my priority. Now I'm blessed to have my family supporting me at times.
Well, I'm not able to do much at the moment, other than read HT threads... :)

My patch over the spine became bloodied each dressing change. We called and I was routed back to the neuro specialist location. 1645 hours yesterday... and here I go again, "Cowboy the F up" before I really think about the consequence. haha! The PA said, she's the one who closed up the wound and it definitely needs to be... stapled. So she offers in a general manner for the lidocaine process to numb the area and for some dumb 'tarded reason, I said, nah, just get it done.

Long draw through the nose, thump chunk! WOW! Holy horse chit! haha! Though silent I stay while my wife, a nurse and the PA go about running train tracks along my incision. Air out via the mouth, - thump chunk! Holy horse chit! Though... "buck up Chuck!" I simply continue the long oxygen in / out at each point, - thump chunk!

Moral of this post / story... Don't be a 'tard... lidocaine the hell out of it! Why the F not? What the hell?!?! Hahaha! I think this went on 8-10 staples. I lost count after I thought it would be maybe 4 -5? Holy chit!

My wife suggested I discuss this with my shrink. haha! All in good fun though why the hell? I know I'm not the only one. It was a casual, Just get it done. Why do we do this? I know there are some sage gents who shake their head. Next time... sure hope the staples kept some of the stupid from entering.

I wake frequently though getting sleep so that's good. I take short walks to keep the blood flowing though, no bending, flexing, etc. Nice to have my hiking poles.

BTW, this was a L 4-5 Discectomy. 2 weeks, no driving, no more than 10 #'s lift, etc. Then possibly light duty back at work... sure hope so! I'm taking it easy. I sure as heck hope this pans out well and my issue clears up. It's already a great feeling w/o glass like shards shooting down the leg and hammering the underside of my left foot! Major improvement though very sore and tough to wobble around.
Damn son, what’s next on your playlist, water boarding?? No need to bite down on a stick and pour moonshine on the incision, we’re all rooting for ya regardless of the route you take- if it’s pink pajamas so be it!
Best of luck @Sytes
No kidding. It was flat out dunce granted. I had no clue of the incision size. Figured it was a simple 3-4 staples and done. Then 5,6,7...8. Hah!


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