Deer sighting survey


New member
Oct 6, 2002
North Carolina
Hey guys, its that time again. Hundreds of people helped out last year and I am hoping for more this year. For those of you that have no idea what I am talking about, last year I conducted a little survey of how many and when hunters see deer.
A sample graph from last year looks like this :

Now, I hope that everyone will help out again by going here :
The survey is quick and simple and doesn't ask for any personal information (except adding your email is optional). It is a personal sight without advertisers or anything else to keep you from coming back here. Please bookmark it and return as often as possible. You can also see the results from last year from a link on the page above.
Hunter 71,

Cool idea, but a couple of questions. Do you assume all Whitetail, or Mule deer. (And is there a difference in behavior.)

And with Whitetail, does "seeing deer" equal deer moving and being "seen"? The reason asking, is you can find deer, bedded, and they don't know they are seen, but would they count?

Also, can you share more of your data???
Boy, great questions. I am targeting whitetails and actually I guess I should reword it to say deer moving and not deer seen. I had a lot of graphs posted last year and the year before but they were lost when my server crashed. I'll be posting some of those again soon, hopefully. Keep an eye out on the site over the next week or two and I will hopefully update it then. Thanks,
Interesting. If you ran a survey year around and 24 hours I could add some interesting information. Several years of driving the same road at 2:30 AM to 3:30 AM has taught me to key on the house cat activity. If the kittys are setting on the guard rails and along the roadsides you will see game. Deer, coyote, raccoon, bear, bobcat, and some weird people. Yes, people. Drunks, streakers, people in unusual situations and activities.
Hunter 71, I would like to add more information. I hunt alot and see a lot of moving deer. I keep a log of every hour and deer I see in the woods. I don't make graphs like yours, I ain that smart. But if you want my numbers from Sept. 6 of this year to date. Let me know.
Unless I did something wrong, you can only fill out a page for a day. Then you have to leave and come back in. I filled out one for the sixth of Sept.
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