Damn poachers


Well-known member
Feb 8, 2007
Happy Valley, OR
So we head over to Wyoming on Sunday the 14th to do a little scouting for the elk hunt. My hunt starts on the 15th, unfortunately I have to be in meetings in SLC Mon.-Wed. so won't be able to hunt until Thursday.|oo Hope Moosie left me a spike.;) Anyway we are driving up a dirt road and look over and see two guys out in the sage gutting something. We stop to glass for elk and glass over to see what they are gutting and it's a muley buck. Now my brother, cousin and I all had region G tags and we know the hunt closed on the 10th. We can't figure out why these guys are out there with not a care in the world. One guy is wearing a white shirt and the one gutting has no shirt on at all (hell he was whiter than his buddy). They look over at us and just keep working on the deer. When we see it's a buck we are all pissed so we drove up the road and see there truck parked. We write down the license # and head out to get cell phone reception. Finally get reception and call the poaching hotline. Talk to a nice lady and she takes the information and says she will have the game warden give me a call. The game warden calls a few hours later and they have the guys address and are on their way to his house. Hope they nailed his ass. Anyway, I might call the warden when I am over there Thursday to see how it turned out. Sorry about the long post, just felt like venting.

You did right... Always good to check. LEt us know how it goes. Next time take a picture too.
Good for you ! I had a couple of poachers ruin a long hard, long awaited antelope hunt in AZ one time. No cell phones back then, but the warden did make the rounds around to the camps in the area. Talked to him and clued him into where the guys had shot the buck (outside zone boundries, ours was rifle, the other was muzzle loader only). Don't know if he ever proved anything legally, but they were gone the next morning.
So the Game Warden called me back today. Pretty nice guy. Anyway, they tracked down the guy we saw with the buck and he pled ignorance (dumb assedness) and told the warden he "thought" the season was still open. Long story short he got a $780 fine, buck was taken away (given to local charity) and lost hunting priviliges for a year.
I really wish that they nailed them worse than that. Oh well, at least they won't be in the field for a year.
$780 for pleading stoooopid..... Wonder why people do it ? Maybe because the fines are cheap ?
I dunno, $780 for stupidity. I can think of more than one regular on this site that would go broke inside 24 hours, if they had to pay that everytime they posted or said something stupid.

Sucks about the poachers though, glad you helped nab them. It is good to know they won't be hunting next year.